Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Iraq Progress Report and the 2008 election

Simply said; finish the job in Iraq with a victory as defined by the absence of violence and security maintained by Iraqis; the next president then can focus on important stuff like dealing with Iran, Russia and China; illegals flooding across the border; the growing divide between the left and right; the environment; health care, etc.

Sadly, no one running has the stones to deal with these looming "real" problems, but will only further the problems.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Gee, old Uncle “Binny” sure did deliver a blistering tirade against the US / Bush / the War on Terror and global warming; he sounded just like MoveOn.Org or the Daily Kos with their blathering anti-American ranting and raving.
To be a liberal and to hear that should make one cringe with disgust, but the sad thing is, there are many libs who are probably feeling weirdly vindicated that OBL shares the same feelings as they do; (Soviet Russia had the same effect on soft headed libs during the Cold War days, too)
His laundry list of everything scared to the liberal agenda was put on display in his so-called terrorist threat to commemorate the six year anniversary of the 9/11 attack; which only reinforces the notion that liberals are two things;
1. Fools of the first order, and
2. Patsies for any enemy of the United States
OBL although an indirect threat, is certainly a symbolic one of the greater struggle against Islamo-Fascism that plagues this planet; but to the liberals who are crippled with guilt from political correctness, this is all Bush’s fault and if we were to only run away from the fight and issue bench warrants for OBL’s arrest, the world will love us again and leave us be; what a load of horse shit; but lets continue.
Once again, OBL invites US to reject our way of life and accept Islam in a way to redeem ourselves before the Jihadists hack our heads off for being infidels at any rate; the sad part for liberals is that since the bulk of them are Atheists, they don’t stand chance; at least the Muslims gave captured Christians during the Crusades a chance to convert before they killed them.
The best part of the video was when OBL chided the Democrat controlled congress for not carrying out his bidding and forcing the US to retreat from Iraq; I’m sure Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are on the phone now with George Soros on how to circumvent that rock headed Bush on how to carry out OBL’s demand and still fool the American electorate that they are strong on security.
And lastly, OBL’s appeal to stop global warming was clear indication that the whole issue is clearly heavily rooted in the kook left fringe; i wonder if algore will invite OBL to next years Live Earth concerts?
At any rate, liberals have dug a hole to which they may never extricate themselves from and having this nations sworn enemy cozying up to their agenda only puts them deeper in that hole…

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Happy Feet, nuclear war and hurricane fever

Larry Craig’s “tap, don’t tap” moment in the Minneapolis airport earlier this summer is much to do about nothing; so Larry likes to have anal sex in men’s rooms, what else is new; I suppose because he’s one of those right wing pro-family, anti-gay red state gun toting yokels makes this story all the more titillating; or does it?
Did Larry actually engage in a sex act?
Did Larry have his rights read to him?
If Larry actually did what the under cover cop claims he did, why was he only charged with a misdemeanor?
The main aspect of this story is that Larry tried to cover it up; that is the cardinal rule that has been broken here; fucking guys in rest rooms not with standing.
My main beef with Larry is his votes FOR the piece of shit immigration bill this summer.

While everyone is going gaga over Larry’s bathroom incident; the actuality that we may go to blows soon with Iran grows ever present; Bush’s “surprise” visit to the “air base” in Iraq on Labor Day may have greater implications than what is being reported; you can count on Bush attacking Iran before he leaves office; if not, Iran will control the entire middle east before the end of this decade.

I’m sure the breathless minions in the main stream media are getting more and more impatient for a big Cat 5 to hit the US mainland soon; they want to give the DNC good material to use against the GOP in the next election.
Maybe if John Edwards stopped driving his SUV the risk would be lowered?

Monday, August 27, 2007


Hey, Chuck Schumer, Pat Leahy; looks like Bush is all you have left to investigate over those ever so important scumbag lawyer firings; you know, I’ve been losing a lot of sleep those poor f*ckers…NOT!

Profiles in “scourage”; Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, aka The Queen Bee, aka Clinton Inc aka Senator Clinton, etc…

The pièce de résistance herself, Hillary is the last in the profiles of “scourage” for the simple fact that she, according to Rush Limbaugh, has about an 80% chance of being the 44th president of the United States; the first Marxist lesbian to fill those Birkenstocks.
What can be said about Hillary that hasn’t already; her ability to squash her enemies like Stalin or Mao could is truly amazing, just ask Vince Foster…I digress.
The truth of the matter is that Hillary is as polarizing figure as Bush if not more; her negative polling numbers are near 60% in some polls, which is the highest any one candidate running; her centrist act is just that, an act; a ploy to get votes from simple minded libs and independents who actually think she would be a good president; based on what? What are her accomplishments? Can anyone name any one significant thing she has done other than marry Slick Willie to ride his coattails to power or vote to invade Iraq in 2002? Hillary is the embodiment of two faced politicks; the politics of conquer and divide; pit one side against the other all in the purpose of creating a storm then taking credit for quelling everyone’s fears (just like Clinton Inc did during Slick’s terms in office)
When all is said and done, who really can stomach the realization that this country will have gone from Bush to Clinton to Bush to Clinton again?
Let’s hope people are attuned to this concept…

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Profiles in "scourage"; Mitt Romney

Although his polling numbers are lower than Rudy's; Mitt will most likely be the nominee for the GOP in this next election; which will ensure a Hillary victory in 2008.
His alto recent road to Damascus conversion to "Reagan" conservatism lies suspect with a base that is already pissed off enough with the so-called conservatism of "W", who by and large never was a conservative in the classic sense.
Mitt seems to have that John Kerry "flip-flop" thing to worry about with the base and which could be effectively used against him by Clinton Inc.
Not that it matters to me, but his Mormon faith is a big problem with a lot of folks who know about the weird history of the Mormons.
Not many Christians can identify with a church that claims to have it's foundation from secret golden tablets and a talking white salamander, not to mention the weird underwear thing that all Mormon men have to wear.

Profiles in "scourage"; Tom Tancredo

One note samba, border security and little else.

Profiles in "scourage"; Mike Huckabee

Strong conservative; but his name reminds of that weird movie with Lilly Tomlin and Dustin Hoffman, "I (heart) Huckabee's"

Profiles in "scourage"; Mike Gravel

When Hillary, Barack and Edwards were caught on the open microphone at a debate earlier this year plotting to stage the remaining debates with just them, Gravel was the reason; this guy is so far to the left he makes Kucinich look like Rush Limbaugh.

Profiles in "scourage"; Ron Paul

Quixotic libertarian who has a lot of good ideas to restore our nations stature; he has about a snowball's chance in hell.

Profiles in "scourage"; Christopher Dodd

I think he's in it for the groupies.

Profiles in "scourage"; Rudy Giuliani

Former US Prosecuting Attorney who nailed John Gotti, former Mayor of New York who cleaned to the town up; and the hero of 9/11/01.
I like Rudy, but his checkered personal past may haunt him and could be his weakness up against the moral red state voters and Clinton Inc.
Married 3 times, his kids hate him, his current wife is his cousin; too weird for most.
Rudy should have ran against Hillary in '06 for senate from NY instead.

Profiles in "scourage"; Dennis Kucinich

A socialist elven freak show, to put it mildly.

Profiles in "scourage"; Duncan Hunter

Big on border security and that's about it; a strong conservative who would be incapable of winning the nomination; would make a great Secretary of Defense.

Profiles in "scourage"; Joe Biden

If this guy got the Democrat nomination, I would vote for him; he's about as close to what the Democrat party USED to be; strong on national security and equally as strong in regards to the working family; more than likely too liberal for my tastes in judicial appointments.
I think his idea to partition Iraq may be the best solution to bring an end to the battle in Iraq; sadly though, he too does not stand a chance against Clinton Inc.

Profiles in "scourage"; Sam Brownback


Profiles in "scourage"; Bill Richardson

A likable guy who doesn't stand a chance against Clinton Inc.

Profiles in "scourage"; John McCain

Vietnam war hero; strong conservative; pro-Bush ally in the war on terror; co-conspirator in the Keating 5 scandal during the 80's; lost all support for his insistence for the status quo for with the flood of illegals pouring across the border.
John McCain is the modern day Henry Clay.

Profiles in "scourage"; Barack Obama

...or as Ted Kennedy calls him, "Osama Obama"; what can be said about this guy, either he's a foil to Hillary or will end up being her running mate.
He's a crooked Chicago lib who wants your money, enough said

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Profiles in “scourage”; Fred Thompson

District Attorney Branch is seeking his next office, or is he? Old Fred Thompson is no different than some hot high school prick tease baiting all those good Christian conservatives along on his wishy washy non comitial run for president; he’s still working on his organization and what not. Look, I think this guy is getting cold feet and his actions of late speak more than words; his latest speech at the VFW convention in Kansas City was tepid at best; hell, Obama had a better speech than this guy, and those old duffers have no intention of voting for Obama even if he was the only candidate running.
I liked Fred in all those movies he was in over the years and he is clearly a strong conservative, but he’s not running; he’s only role playing and when it becomes clear this is all he is doing, then there will be hell to pay; don’t fuck with conservatives, they don’t like being played like they’re in a movie theatre watching the latest Jack Ryan installment.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Profiles in “scourage”; John Edwards

My next series of posts will deal with ALL those who seek the highest office in the land; to be the top whore to the United States of Corporate America.
Up until now they have all been old white men; most running for the chance to be the next top whore for the most part are old white men, with the exceptions of one African American, a Hispanic, a Marxist Lesbian, a Mormon and a scumbag trial lawyer, and a few nut cases who are good for a laugh or two during these never ending debates.

My first profile is on John Edwards; the scumbag trial lawyer. What can I say other the fact he’s a scumbag trial lawyer? I guess I could point out he has pretty hair and is about as authentic as a three dollar bill. This guy is in my book grade “A” tip top scum; to put it in a nutshell, I’d rather see the Marxist Lesbian, Hillary get elected before this guy.
Talk about a creep; this guy has to use his wife who has cancer to do his hatchet work on Hillary; he can’t find a message to save his ass and for the most part is the epitome of scumbag trial lawyers. Did I mention he’s a scumbag trial lawyer?

God help us all if this guy gets elected; which won’t happen, because he’s a scumbag trial lawyer.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The fallacy of Atheism

To be an atheist, one must have faith to believe something was created from nothing!

Monday, August 13, 2007


Libs everywhere must be soiling themselves in either fits of rage, glee or both at the news that the most hated person since Richard Nixon is leaving the Bush white House.
Karl Rove has been the very bane of existence to the left since 2000 when he engineered Bush’s election to win the White House over their golden boy “algore”; the seething hatred has only intensified like the potency of a single malt scotch or a block of Wisconsin cheese; with each passing week for the last half dozen years; lefties awaited with baited breath for news of Rove’s indictment and the obligatory mug shot to blow up and adorn dart boards from Berkley to Chappaqua. But alas, it never came; and it never will; lib/dems will have settle for nothing but their twisted fantasies to sooth their seething hatred, because no matter how much they wish for anything to convict Rove for, there is nothing there, at least nothing that hasn’t already been completely erased from the face of the earth and the prying eyes and subpoenas of congressional lib/dems.
You see, Rove took a cue from old Richard Nixon; never leave anything around that could be used against you during a squirrelly congressional hearing.
Rove will have the last laugh; and to that; will cause many a lefties’ heads to explode like that guy from that movie “Scanners”.
The unspoken or subconscious psyche of the left has been that their hatred for Rove has more to do with the fact that they are envious of his ability to snooker them so badly in the last two elections; first their golden boy “algore” then the Brahman Bull, Jacques le Kerry. How could someone as stupid as Bush win over such obviously much more intelligent and nuanced men as algore and Kerry? It was Rove, the boy genius who ran circles around them both as the brains behind the throne, the Wizard of Oz, the man behind the curtain.
No matter how one dissects the political acumen of Karl Rove; one thing is certain; his mark on American political history will be felt for years to come.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Knee Jerkism and your pocketbook

Sorry for my absence; I have been away on family vacation, actually to Minneapolis to shop at the Mall of America (how brazening typical American); having a chance to intermingle with the local gentry while there, the locals for the most part are pissed off their state did not do enough to inspect the collapsed bridge and are even more pissed off that they now have found out that their state tax coffers have nearly a two billion dollar surplus as a result of years of OVER TAXATION!!! But yet, dumbass politicians from both sides (more so from the jackass party) are demanding a national 5¢ tax on a gallon of gas to help pay for America’s crumbling infrastructure; never mind the fact that billions of existing highway improvement dollars are siphoned off each year for PORK to build bike paths and anything other than road and bridge up keep.
The bigger picture in the I-35W bridge collapse has more to do with the continuing failure of our elected “leaders” to do the right thing for the public safety of ALL Americans by spending tax dollars wisely and to not keep coming to the well for more when the well is dry.
The sickening aspect of all this is the way the politicians are using the deaths of those on that bridge to pad their pork barrel projects; they should be at least be ashamed of themselves and at most be horse whipped on the court house steps of each of their respective districts.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Acts of heroism vs. acts of whinerism

6:05 PM local time, August 1, 2007; Minneapolis MN on the I-35 W bridge over the Mississippi River; all hell broke loose; millions of tons of steel; concrete and human beings packed in their cars, trucks and school buses fell without any warning in the blink of eye 50ft into the river and the banks on each side; without any hesitation and total disregard for their own safety; dozens of people not hurt in the aftermath and those near by jumped into action and began to offer help any way they could to those who were less fortunate.
Once again; man’s humanity towards his fellow man shined like a millions suns that fateful evening on the I-35 W.
It goes to show that in times of need there is no time to waste waiting for “government officials” to show up with grief counselors and debt cards that could be used for lap dances; my point being that I couldn’t help but think of the “human agony” of Katrina in New Orleans from two years ago; those people had A WEEK to get out whereas the folks on that bridge yesterday had no warning what-so-ever; and so far, none of them are blaming “W” or the government for not having reparations and debt cards at the ready.
Call me a heartless conservative; but the folks in Minneapolis showed a hell of a lot more character than those who broke out store windows to get new shoes and cases of beer.
Character is something that most people have to seek out to please their peers; in moments of tragedy, character usually springs forth without warning; yesterday; the folks on I-35W found theirs.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The “Surge” and Political Suicide….

Can it be that “W’s” “surge” is actually working?
The recent New York Times article “A War We Just Might Win” published July 30, 2007; written by a former Clinton aid and a member of the Brookings Institute stated that the “surge” is showing signs of turning things around in Iraq and that for the US to pull out now would be a huge mistake risking the lives of thousands of Iraqis.
This is not good news for those who are fully vested in seeing yet another American military failure such as Vietnam.
I’m still no big fan of “W”, but if his policy of strengthening Iraqi security forces to stand on their own is showing signs of working, are all the better for Iraq and for America; to those who have been wanting to see failure; they will pay the political price, soon enough.
The problem the lib/dems face with a positive turn-around in Iraq, is because they have placed all their political capital into defeat, which is a cowardly path to follow and one the voters will not take to kindly too if things continue to improve.
The lib/dems have painted themselves into a corner from which they can not retract themselves; they in essence are committing political suicide; how all this will play out in the next election is hard to predict; but if things in Iraq improve and stability only grows stronger, this next election could be a repeat of the 1972 drubbing McGovern took.
Hillary Clinton may be wise enough to see this and Clinton Inc will follow their own political instincts and adjust her message accordingly; as it stands now, she most likely will the next president of this country, unless the albatross of “W” is shed and a Republican like Thompson or Giuliani get the nomination and carry the policies of “W” for the next 4 to 8 years.
Will 2008 be the watershed?
Only the success the “surge” will be able to tell.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Wow, I’m losing sleep over yet another shocking case of some high ranking White House official lying to a bunch other high ranking lying Congressional officials; it’s like a battle of two ‘tards on the short yellow bus fighting over some animal crackers spilled on the floor board.
If ever the day came that elected officials would actually get stuff done FOR the people rather score points for the minority of dumb assholes of each respective base; then that would be a real shocker.
The looming “constitutional crisis” with Bush basically telling congressional lib/dems to go fuck themselves really does little for the ever sky-rocketing gas prices, the threat of terrorism, the impending collapse of social security and the gut wrenching cost of health care; but what the fuck, as long as there is pay back is order for the powers that be; to hell with the consequences that face this nation.


I just saw for the first time the movie “Who Killed the Electric Car?”, afterwards, I was just pissed off as ever at the shear greed and stupidity of the willing whores in government and the “johns” who reside in corporate America; a real solution was in hand to help stem this nations’ “addiction” to oil and the possible positive impact on CO2 emission reduction (I’m still not fully convinced on “global warming” because of algore being the main guru of the cause, but reducing smog is never a bad thing) The relaxation of CAFÉ standards during the 90’s did no one no good other than the automotive and oil industries and the willingness of the federal government to bend like a weed in the wind to the pressure of those industries have set us back years in being able to achieve 100% energy independence; it would so nice some day to tell OPEC to go drink their fucking oil. I think my next car is going to be a hybrid.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

“W’s” colonoscopy and President Darth Cheney…

Today, “W” is getting a colonoscopy, which means for a brief period of time, the 25th amendment will be enacted and Darth Cheney will get to assume the presidency during the procedure.
Just think of all the devious thoughts that are play in the mind of old Darth Cheney; the power of the dark is very seductive and many things could happen in a short period of time; i.e. Darth could declare Marshall Law on all liberals and have them rounded up and sent to Gitmo or other detention centers; or just go right to the root of his padawan’s problems and just have the Democrat leadership of the House and Senate arrested as enemy combatants; or shut down and imprison the editorial staffs of the MSM and their reporters who ask all those pesky questions at those unnecessary press conferences; picture Helen Thomas in an orange jumpsuit! At any rate, “W” is going to be incapacitated during his procedure, (come to think of it, hasn’t he always been incapacitated?) I digress; Darth Cheney will for a few short hours send liberals into fits of terror as he becomes the president; this should cause Janeane Garofalo to up her meds for the time being. I’m sure when Hillary is president and has liposuction, botox, or breast augmentation done to get the hook up with small hot stud foreign leader like Vlad Putin, Hugo Chavez or Angela Merkel; the same fits of terror will rumble with the militia and fly-over-country crowd.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Political theatre

No wonder Congress’ approval is at only 14%; the brain trust that resides in the Senate is just about on the last leg of their latest offering of political theatre by holding an all night Bush bash and surrender slumber party to force Bush (who is no friend of mine by the way) to declare defeat and run away so as to set up lib/dem control of congress for the next 25 years or more.
I’m glad to say that I did not watch one single second of this farce; but I’m sure there will be loads of great quotes that opposition parties will use against one another in the next election cycle; if you consider the sound of screeching pussies as a source of great “quotes”.
The only thing that is being accomplished by this surrender slumber party is CYA on the part of the fools who voted for this mess in the first place; trying to dictate policy on how to conduct the war is nothing but pure folly; the only option Congress has at it’s disposal is to cut the funding off and force the troops to retreat, most likely under fire.
But of course the gutless wonders who proclaim their love and support for the troops know full well that a majority of Americans will hunt them down with pitch forks and torches like the Frankenstein monster if they cut off funding; thus which leads to the conclusion that congress is nothing but a bunch of pussies trying to have it both ways, as usual.
Its too bad Bush didn’t use “the surge” three years ago when things were still in flux, but his insistence of using the Rumsfeld doctrine of conducting war with less is what led to the mess; his place in history will be determined by this and his success or failure of the current “surge”, barring any political correctness intervening with the wall of steel bring brought down on the Islamo-fascists who are flooding in from Syria and Iran; wait did I just mention the real root of the problems facing the region?
Never mind, Hillary will take care of them once she weasels her way into the White House (don’t hold your breath)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Joke of the day; RE DUX

A midget cowboy walks into the doctor’s office.
He tells the doctor, "When I walk, my nuts hurt real bad."
The doctor tells him, "Get up on the table and I'll take care of it for you."
The midget cowboy jumps up on the table, he lays down, the doctor grabs a pair of scissors.
The doctor starts sniping with the scissors.
The midget cowboy is lying their wondering what the heck the doctor is doing.
Then the doctor finishes and tells the midget cowboy to get off the table.
The midget cowboy starts to walk around, and to his wonder, the pain is gone!
The midget cowboy then asks the doctor, "Hey, what did you do?"
The doctor tells him, "I cut two inches off the top of your boots."

Friday, July 13, 2007


Looks like the adept military experts in Congress have voted to do the right thing and abandon the folks in Iraq within 4 months; because after all, that’s what the folks in the US voted for last November (I thought it was restoring ethics? At any rate); thick headed Bush just doesn’t understand that Presidential powers indicated in the Constitution are merely a suggestive guide line that is ultimately dictated by poll numbers and opinion of the editorial pages of the New York Times and Washington Post,
Just who the hell does Bush think he is?
Well, the brave and forthright Democrats who have done more for this nation since they took power in January by launching dozens of pointless investigations that take precedence over border security and fighting Islamo-fascism; are now going for the big prize, the impeachment of Bush!
I now get a better night’s sleep knowing that people like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are stepping up to be the vanguard to the real threat that faces this nation; evil stupid Bush and his Sith Lord, Darth Cheney who after all concocted this whole thing beginning with 9/11 and the removal of Saddam.
(Never mind the fact that during the entire Clinton presidency, al Qaeda attacked US interests abroad at will)
Thanks to the brave Democrats who see that the true nature of this nation is to embrace defeat like that other great western power, France; because after all, in the end, that’s what the wisdom of the Democrats only see through their myopic rose colored glasses.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

How libs can save the Earth from Global Warming

1. Turn off all your utilities; because after all, using ANY electricity produces that nasty carbon; I wonder if algore’s $3,000 a month power bill is exempt since he is the pied piper of the cause? I digress; any utility is a no-no if want to make sure our world is safe for our children; at least in the case of libs, the children that make pass the abortion clinic.
2. Don’t eat any food; unless you grow it yourself; remember, big trucks that produce that nasty carbon most likely were used to deliver the tofu to your local health food store; you’re a hypocrite if you eat any food transported by a any type of motorized vehicle and should be in the words of Bobby Kennedy Jr. “be tried for treason” if you do.
3. Don’t ride any transportation; unless you walk, ride a bike or if you can get a friend to haul your ass around in a rickshaw; anything that moves other than those listed produce that nasty carbon; you wouldn’t want that would you? When moving from your apartment you can’t afford to pay for back into your parent’s basement, use a horse drawn cart; just make sure the horse doesn’t belch or fart along the way.
4. Kill yourself; in the best interest of saving our planet, wouldn’t make perfect sense to just simply off your-self? If you take a long look at the situation, you’ll come to the realization that your presence on this Earth is problem, because every time you exhale, you’re producing nasty carbon which kills another acre of rainforest and another couple dozen baby seals in the Artic; save mother Earth by using your carcass to fertilize a tree.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Lib logic; “W’s” failures and what is really at stake...

The big push by Senate Democrats to cut war funding and bring the troops home for the umpteenth time in as many months is rearing it’s ugly head again; their base, the zealot “we hate Bush crowd” who voted en masse for their lib/dem buddies last November with the promise of “restoring America’s global standing in the world” by pursuing the French method of warfare by running away have reached a fever pitch, yet again.
The lib logic is that since the Iraqi government can not get their act together and the “surge” is forcing al Qaeda to keep on the run, the US should immediately retreat, because it’s what the rest of the world wants us to do, and by doing so will show that we are not war mongering cretins like Bush.
Sure, Bush has totally fucked this thing up by not fighting this battle to win from the beginning in March 2003; this is why most Americans are sick and tired of this battle; we’re not fighting it to win; the lib/dems interpret this attitude as the public wants to run away; it’s not, and this is where they are totally fucked by thinking so.
America never wants to declare defeat again like we did in Southeast Asia in the 1970’s; it’s not conducive to commanding respect globally in the face of our enemies (thank you, Jimmy Carter) Americans want results that keeps us in the fore front of the geo political game, because a lot of blood has been shed to pay that price.
If we leave Iraq now, we will be in a greater position of weakness as a result, and the slaughter that will en sue in the region will make current events in Iraq look like the good old days of relative calm.
America is tired of losing and pussy ass politicians need to paid heed to that notion; I’m not exactly keen to the idea of being forced to pray to Allah or not eat my smoked baby back ribs….

Monday, July 9, 2007

74,500 tons...

...of carbon dioxide was produced to bring algore's Live Earth concert to the fellow travelers and various anti-capitalist dirty hippies on Saturday.
I wonder if algore became environmentally aware before or after his family got rich from Occidental Petroleum?

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

“Scooter’s” Excellent 4th of July!!!

Blessed be “W’s” partial pardon for “Scooter” Libby; the poor guy who was wrongly implicated in the outing of CIA super spy Valerie Plame. All along the “leaker” was Colin Powell’s man Richard Armitage, but nevertheless Special Super-Duper Prosecutor Fitzgerald had his man dead in his sights and wanted to exact his pound of flesh.
Poor “Scooter” who was just about to be fitted with his orange jumpsuit was miraculously saved by “W”!
To which I say, BULLSHIT!
“Scooter” may have been wrongly pursued but it was his lying to the FBI that got him his fitting for an orange jumpsuit; to simply insist the poor guy was strained with all the stress of running cover for Darth Cheney wouldn’t stand a chance with poor slobs like me or you. “Scooter’s” delivery FROM justice was solely based on “W’s” endgame to cover his ass before he leaves office in January 2009, with what little reputation he’ll have left (looks like he’s going to share reputations with Jimmy Carter after all as one of the worst presidents in our history), which leads me to the real issue at hand.
If there are to be any pardons handed out they should be for the two U.S. Border Patrol agents Ramos and Compean who are rotting in a federal prison for doing their fucking jobs, but “W” won’t get involved with that case, it has no direct bearing on covering his ass.
I’m telling you, this country is about to bust wide open, and the day it happens, God have mercy on those who stand in the way….

Monday, July 2, 2007


Looks like the video that featured the graduating class of 2007 for al Qaeda is wasting no time spreading the loving message of the religion of piece(s); two foiled car bombs in Londonistan and a messy car fire in Glasgow is a pre-cursor to what will be a long hot summer of CIA and Homeland Security failures that will lead to another 9/11 type attack.
I’m sure the lib/dems and the breathless MSM can hardly wait to score more points against the continuing failure of the Bush admin; let the coronation of Hillary begin!
The sad fucked up part of all this is that no matter who is sitting on their dead ass in the White House can’t do shit to stop any of this.
Oh sure, there hasn’t been an attack since 9/11, but that doesn’t matter to the collective blood lust of America; I want to see stacks of dead bodies, like in one of those mindless lost roadside slasher flicks where everyone dies some slow painful fucked up death a the hands of some psycho nut job; thank you Hollywood for providing such a useful public service to de-sensitize us sheep into a deep sleep.
Isn’t this a great country or what?
Our delicate sensibilities are thrust into shock at the prospect of another terrorist attack, but yet we can collectively roll in the bucket loads of blood and tissue splattered all over the movie and LCD TV screen with a wry chuckle and a thin “cool” at the needless carnage.
Conversely, we recoil in disgust at the thought of denying some murderous towel head his rights but have no compunction at the notion of seeing draconian laws put in place to punish poor simpletons who want to puff on a cigarette from time to time.
Isn’t this a great country or what?
Spend your summer lazing away by the pool or in the backyard without a care; for tomorrow the threat grows just closer.

Joke of the day

A Somali arrives in Minneapolis as a new immigrant to the United
States. He stops the first person he sees walking down the street
and says, "Thank you Mr. American for letting me in this country,
giving me housing, food stamps, free medical care, and free education!"

The passerby says, "You are mistaken, I am Mexican."

The man goes on and encounters another passerby. "Thank you
for having such a beautiful country here in America!"

The person says, "I not American, I Vietnamese."

The new arrival walks further, and the next person he sees he stops,
shakes his hand and says, "Thank you for the wonderful America!"

That person puts up his hand and says, "I am from Middle
East, I am not American!"

He finally sees a nice lady and asks, "Are you an American?"

She says, "No, I am from Africa!"

Puzzled, he asks her, "Where are all the Americans?"

The African lady checks her watch and says..."Probably at work."

Friday, June 29, 2007

"Nixonian stonewalling"

The tempest in a teapot over Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' firing last year of nine of the nation's 93 U.S. attorneys has reached a new threshold; Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy and Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers has submitted subpoenas to the White House demanding they comply to their demands to submit to their will, because after all, they are very important puffy little men who have to show their base that they are doing their job to harass Bush into crying in public and declaring that he will quit, take his toys and go home.
You know at this point, who gives a fuck?
Blah, blah, blah, we hate Bush…give a rest already.
Bush sucks, we all know that, but for the lib drama queens to fret and stew over the firing of 9 scumbag LAWYERS, should draw about as much attention as Paris Hilton finding God while in the gray-bar hotel.
For all the shit the lib dems hurl at him for what amounts to nothing, Bush should chuck the “passionate conservatism” and really give these ass-clowns a real world response to their self-important demands.
If left to me to draft a response to these very serious charges they would go as follows;

“Dear ass-clowns, this is my formal response to your demands for me to provide you the documents you demand; take this letter, roll it up and shove it up your ass. While you’re at it, you might as well impeach me, with my numbers in the tank like they are, I have nothing to lose. By the way, keep fucking with me and I’ll really pull a “Nixonian” move and sick the IRS on your ass, so shut the fuck up and get back to the important work of sucking up pork for your worthless donors, XOXOXO “W””

It’s good to see there’s nothing really important to worry about in Washington these days….

Thursday, June 28, 2007

DING DONG, THE WITCH IS DEAD (at least for now)

Well small wonder; the assh0les in Washington did the right thing and voted down the piece of shit Immigration Reform Bill (anything that has Ted Kennedy’s name attached to it must be bad no matter what it is).
Thanks to the gutless wonders in the GOP that finally found their nut sack and helped run a wooden stake through the black little heart of this obscene affront to the American way of life; now, the next best thing to happen is these worthless motherf*ckers can do is build the goddamn fence and start rounding up the MS13 gangstas and ship their ass back south where they belong.
Too bad for “W”, looks like his legacy will be his quagmire in Iraq and a brief moment on the pile of rubble after 9/11 when he actually had some respect; his quest to push his amnesty through has blown up in his face, thank God.
Now, we as a nation can focus on more important issues like how of what will life be for Paris now that she has done hard time for her crimes against the state; can she re-unite a nation that is torn asunder from all this derision?
Nevertheless, POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!!

You might be a liberal if...

• You own something that says, "Dukakis for President, " and still display it.
• You've ever said, "We really should call the ACLU about this."
• You believe that a few hundred loggers can find another career, but the defenseless spotted owl must live in its preferred tree.
• You ever based an argument on the phrase, "But they can afford a tax hike because..."
• You keep count of how many people you know in each racial or ethnic category.
• You believe our government must do it because everyone in Europe does.
• You can't talk about foreign policy without using the word conspiracy.
• You think Ralph Nader makes a lot of sense.
• You don't understand why anyone was bothered by Jane's trip to Hanoi.
• You think solar energy is being held back by those greedy oil companies.
• You've never been mugged.
• You actually expect to collect Social Security.
• You think the State of Florida should have tried to reform Ted Bundy.
• You think the Great Society has actually worked.
• You don't see the similarity between WONK and WANK.
• You got teary-eyed during the film "The American President."
• You think Ayn Rand is an African currency.
• Your house smells like a garbage dump because of your commitment to recycling.
• You think political patronage describes the Kennedy family.
• Your High School Year Book goals included the words "help people."
• You think the Free Market is where they hand out Government cheese.
• You think Carter should be on Mt. Rushmore.
• You believe personal injury lawyers when they say they are just trying to defend the little guy.
• You know that those profit mongering drug companies could find a cure for AIDS if they really wanted to.
• You actually believe the NY Times and Washington Post.
• You know at least one Vegan.
• You trust Teddy Kennedy when he said that she was driving.
• You'd rather own Birkenstock than Merck Stock.
• You think public housing is great, but just NIMBY.
• You think the anti-war protestors from '60s are the real heroes.
• You think that Supply Side Economics refers to your dope dealer's stash.
• You think Michael Jackson is a great example of diversity.
• You actually think that poverty can be abolished.
• You think that Joan Baez had something to say.
• You admire the Swedish welfare system.
• You know that Jefferson really meant to say "Entitled to Happiness."
• You think the Flat Tax should be at 95%
• You go to Gay Pride Day parades so that no one can call you homophobic.
• After looking at your pay stub you can still say, "America is under-taxed."

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

BETRAYAL OF THE FIRST ORDER (so what else is new)

Yesterday was yet another crack in the mantle of our sovereignty as a free nation, only this time the motherf*ckers in Washington didn’t do it in the dark of the night like they do when they vote themselves ridiculous pay raises for the shitty work they do; they did this in broad day light like a low rider filled with “gangstas” firing into a crowd of innocent by-standers on a street corner.
The out of touch elitists who reside in their plush perches of power (at our expense mind you) have crossed a line they fully do not recognize; the first shot in the next American Revolution has been volleyed across the bow of a very pissed off public.
It should be the mission of every American to see to the removal from office all of those who voted to continue this obscene Immigration Reform Bill.
I wish the wacko libs in Congress would get on with Bush’s impeachment if anything to take his focus off his piece of shit bill him and his buddy Ted Kennedy are trying to shove down our throats…

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


So, poor little Paris Hilton has been freed from jail.
Her "plight" is indicative of the separation between the rich and poor in this country; had I or anyone else been convicted of repeated DUI's, we sure as hell wouldn't get 23 days in some country club resort like she did.
Now will come all the interviews and outrageous money offers for her story which will be sadly lapped up by millions of dupes around this country; Paris Hilton represents everything that is wrong with our society.
Oh well, I guess she can get back to the hard work of getting smashed on vodka and flashing her crotch in public.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Once is happenstance

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy
action. There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.

Prose, not "Ho's" ver.2

The obesity of hunger
Starving ourselves with gluttony
The gluttony of progress
The burden of faith
The death of reason
Born into a world of electric over load
Stressing the seams of humanity
Sacrificing the sheep with bright knives
Letting lose the souls of the dying
Only to feed the fear of the living
Dark and forbidding light shines from above
The God of this world has gone
Gone for over a hundred years
Light bathes those in the gated hell of suburbia
Little Japanese gardens infested with beetles
Eating the green and lush flowers of life
Leaving nothing but a scared brown wasteland
The billowing smoke of cities burning
With a desire to be free from want
Free from hunger
Free from the prospect of washing away with the flood
A flood of pain that cascades from above
With no remorse or pity for God’s little children
God deliver me from the clutches of it all
A big swooping raven plucks the truth from the dead
The worms are marching to the feast
The feast of mankind’s last dying gasp
Fear of not knowing what lays ahead for us all
Give me peace
Give me light
Give me the chance to prove my love for you
Before it’s too late
Before time is gone
Bring me love
Bring me you

Friday, June 22, 2007


Or so said Howard Beale after he tried to commit suicide on the air in the movie "Network"; that flick still rates as one of the all time greats, what a fore-shadowing of "things to come" on television.
I don't know about you, but I feel the same way, with the ever growing bullshit from Washington, I feel this nation is about to bust a collective cap in the ass of a couple hunrded motherf*ckin' politicians and scores of con-glomo corporate news whores.
Let me count the ways;
1. Border security and illegal aliens; rather than send the country to hell in a handbasket with the Kennedy, Bush, Repubilcrat "Immigration Reform of 2007", why the fuck not enforce existing law? Sen. Lindsay Graministy says the current law is no good, no fucking wonder, no one ever gave it a chance!The hard cold truth is that the Democrats want votes and the Republicans want cheap labor; hell they both want the same, while the American people are being threatened by the prospect of another terrorist attack vis-a-vis the porous border. If nothing is done and there is another attack(?), then "witness the fire power of this fully armed and operational battle station" you assholes in Washington.
2. The "War on Terror"; here's a thought, either fight to win or bring all our troops home and circle the waggons; trying to fight a PC war is like putting screen doors on a submarine. Does anyone think these terrorist motherf*ckers follow the rules of engagment? Follow the doctrine of Gen. George S. Patton, when he told his newly formed Third Army that they will tear the guts out of the bodies of their dead enemies and use them to grease the tracks of their tanks; political correctness is reason we're in this mess to begin with.
3. Global Warming; Like I posted earlier, it get's hot in the summer and cold in the winter; and besides, where the hell did algore get his acumen in geo-science? His stock holdings in Oxidental Oil?
4. Political divisiveness; once all you good, "liberals" and "conservatives" understand you're nothing but fodder for the powers that be, you'll be nothing more than a joke to those you serve; do you really think at the end of day in Washington these "public servants" give a shit about you? You're nothing but good for a handout until they can firgure out a way to fuck you to get ahead; the lowest forms of life follow in this order, peodphiles, car dealers then politicians.
Thomas Jefferson had it right when he said that in order to perserve freedom and liberty, a revolution from time to time is in order to protect the very essence of humankinds need for such.
Are you ready to do what is needed?

By the way, which one's Pink?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Prose, not "Ho's"

And what is to become of the days which lay ahead of us?
For it is uncertain of their outcome in the face of the challenge that befalls us all; for alas we are besieged by men of lesser character who would rather bicker their own short comings and pursue the fools errand in order to appease the wolves at our doorstep.
God’s own blessings will not save us from such arrogance and will only incur the wrath of our own sworn enemies upon us all.
Victory is at hand and is there for the taking, only not so if we chose to lie down among the rushes and cry our wretched souls to sleep with our wives and children at our sides.
God watches over his lambs and weeps at their foolish indulgence of the liberty that has been bestowed upon them; but there are a few still left with enough courage and honor to know the pit falls of our failure if we should step down that misbegotten path, for it is they who will be our sword and shield in the face of our enemies.


When, not if, lard-ass Micheal Moore has his multiple by-pass surgery, will he have it done in Cuba?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Seeking employment?

WANTED: A people person who hates people (i.e., Jews and western Infidels); seeking strong silent type who likes to hack off infidels heads with dull pocket knife for internet broadcasting; willing to work in harsh conditions w/ promise of full compliment of 72 virgins if killed by infidel Americans; over time and benefits negotiable; expertise in IED a must; if interested, send resume and SASE to Osama bin Laden, cave #4, Northwestern Pakistan; Shiites will not be considered for position.

Joke of the day

An African explorer was trudging through the deepest darkest jungles of Africa with his party and trusted guide.
Along the way, the sound of drums grew louder as they made their way through the jungle.
The explorer stops the guide and asks "Hey, these drums are starting to worry me." the guide says, "Drums good, no drums bad."
So they continue onward.
The drums are starting to get louder still, the explorer asks again, “These drums are getting louder, and I am really starting to worry.” The guide says again, “Drums good, no drums bad.”
They continue even further, the drums are deafening, the explorer stops the guide and franticly yells, “What happens if the drums stop?” the guide says “Um, bass solo.”

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Wrap your head around this if you can

Is it clarity or insanity; you be the judge.

The decision is in the ability to glean any semblance of truth from the words and thoughts which I attempt to lay out in an effort to put my view on what we in this early throes of the 21st century know as “the War on Terror”.

Try to follow me if you can with an open mind.

We all know that this “war” began on 9/11/01, but the reality is that this war began nearly a millennium ago with the forces of Saladin and the Knights Templar battling for the walled city of Jerusalem which was fought over back and forth for hundreds of years during the Crusades.
It was only with the ultimate defeat of the Christian armies that the terms were set in place for the next several hundred years.
The uneasy absence of hostility was only interrupted a few times over the course of history until the founding of the Jewish state of Israel in 1948 in the post horrors of the Holocaust during WWII; the newly founded United Nations through a simple act relinquished control of British Palestine to the fledgling nation.
At almost as immediately as this was done, the Arabs of the region attacked Israel and hence forth the resumption of the Crusades’ had fallen upon this region once again; only this time with the help of the United States which in some remote connections, was the forbearers of the Knights Templar, (Masonic rituals of the founding fathers for example) and the Jews which they had vanquished as well.

All this means something in the fact that the primary motivation of this modern day crusade, i.e. “war on terror” is the Muslim destruction of Israel much in the same as hundreds of years ago. Think about it, all acts of terrorism against the US and Israel and at times Western Europe is based on their unwavering support of the Jewish state which is an affront to the Muslim people. The “Arab street” is seething with the words of Osama bin Laden and countless Mullahs and clerics who recount on a daily basis for the last 60 years as to the ultimate destruction of Israel.
The second motivating factor of the Muslim “Jihad” is the shear fear and hatred the Muslims have for what they see as nothing but pure evil of the West, in particularly the United States; which they are more fearful of not our freedom and liberty, but our decadence and “infidelity” in the eyes of God, or Allah. Our society for all its goodness and charitable deeds is on the flip side a morass of pornography and wickedness. Christians can sin for 6 days and find salvation on the 7th; this is an abomination to the Muslims.

What can ever be done to bridge this gap?

One of the main complaints I have heard spoken of George Bush is his “Masonic quest” to establish freedom and liberty to that part of the world; which is noble at best, fruitless at least. This truly is an impasse that only time will tell how it ends; will there be roving bands of Jihadists swarming the streets of the United States forcing the “infidels” to convert or die? I doubt it, but it is quite possible to see them swarming the streets of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv-Jaffa setting upon the Jewish people much in the same as when the events of the book of Isaiah was written. How to confront and bring a solution to end this is still very much up in the air at this time; will the West acquiesce or do what is necessary, which is to come to the understanding that what we are dealing with is older than any of us can ever fully appreciate.

The growing discontent with the American people because this “war on terror” is not over like a one hour episode of some TV crime drama draws colossal differences between the ADHD infested “me now” generation of the west vs. the wait a hundred years to exact the pound of flesh of revenge of the Muslim world and their global Jihad. The west doesn’t stand a chance with this measure weighing in the balance of to who will reign victorious in the end this war, which very likely will last a hundred years or more.

My ambiguity may be apparent, but let me be perfectly clear on this one point; our very way of life is at risk and no one will be there to pick up the pieces when the whole house of cards collapses into the ash heap of history….

The lunatic is on the grass....

Lawn mower police; BBQ Gestapo

I don't know about you, but I think Gobal Warming is a load of horseshit; I would like to stick my carbon footprint right up algore's ass.
When it's summer time, it's hot; when it's winter, it's cold; blaming someone who drives a Hummer for that effect needs to get a life.
The same people who would gladly roam the hinderlands to arrest some poor idiot roasting weenies on his BBQ grill are the same people who want to hand out citizenship to 20 million illeagal aliens and want to have encounter sessions with Islamo-Fascists hoping they'll love us and leave us alone....

He played a mean guitar....

Monday, June 18, 2007

"Twatney" Spears and the 9/11 conspiracy

The best thing that could happen to the "Three Dis-Graces", (Twatney Spears, Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton) would be to see all three of them abducted and sold into salvery in Yemen or Somolia; I think that their Vodka soaked panty-less party days would come to an abrupt end.

It's too bad Osama bin Laden didn't direct all four of those jets into the US Capital on 9/11; I think old Binny would have become a national hero had he cut the head off the snake for us.

Someone tell Charlie Sheen about this....

Shine on you crazy diamond....

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Manifesto for the thinking man

Ideology is something that all aware people share.

Some ideology is founded on principles that are rooted in dogmatic group think; such as religion and politics.

Both are the only real basis for which we humans interact and relate with one another, they are the heart of the human condition; coupled with the advent of conscience and the ability to craft weapons as objects of worship that enables the masters the power that is used to reign over their subservient subjects is the catalyst to which gives ideology its influence.

For those whom do not find their selves subject to any ideology either by choice or circumstances not of their own making; they are either lost or enlightened; to what extent and to what degree is all in the eye of the beholder.

Every human strives to find their niche and their place at the table of their masters; the way and means to which we get a seat at the table is the determining factor of how much humiliation we are willing to subject ourselves to fill that seat.

In the case of religion, some practices simply open their doors to those who seek the wisdom and guidance of the tenets of faith that their sect provides; others will demand you spill the blood of non-believers who do not subjugate themselves to the dogma of their sect. In either case, both require participation that requires little or no individual awareness; loyalty is paramount to the success of religion, and to achieve that loyalty, one must relinquish their ability to reason.

All in all, you're just another brick in the wall...