Monday, July 2, 2007


Looks like the video that featured the graduating class of 2007 for al Qaeda is wasting no time spreading the loving message of the religion of piece(s); two foiled car bombs in Londonistan and a messy car fire in Glasgow is a pre-cursor to what will be a long hot summer of CIA and Homeland Security failures that will lead to another 9/11 type attack.
I’m sure the lib/dems and the breathless MSM can hardly wait to score more points against the continuing failure of the Bush admin; let the coronation of Hillary begin!
The sad fucked up part of all this is that no matter who is sitting on their dead ass in the White House can’t do shit to stop any of this.
Oh sure, there hasn’t been an attack since 9/11, but that doesn’t matter to the collective blood lust of America; I want to see stacks of dead bodies, like in one of those mindless lost roadside slasher flicks where everyone dies some slow painful fucked up death a the hands of some psycho nut job; thank you Hollywood for providing such a useful public service to de-sensitize us sheep into a deep sleep.
Isn’t this a great country or what?
Our delicate sensibilities are thrust into shock at the prospect of another terrorist attack, but yet we can collectively roll in the bucket loads of blood and tissue splattered all over the movie and LCD TV screen with a wry chuckle and a thin “cool” at the needless carnage.
Conversely, we recoil in disgust at the thought of denying some murderous towel head his rights but have no compunction at the notion of seeing draconian laws put in place to punish poor simpletons who want to puff on a cigarette from time to time.
Isn’t this a great country or what?
Spend your summer lazing away by the pool or in the backyard without a care; for tomorrow the threat grows just closer.

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