Friday, June 29, 2007

"Nixonian stonewalling"

The tempest in a teapot over Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' firing last year of nine of the nation's 93 U.S. attorneys has reached a new threshold; Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy and Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers has submitted subpoenas to the White House demanding they comply to their demands to submit to their will, because after all, they are very important puffy little men who have to show their base that they are doing their job to harass Bush into crying in public and declaring that he will quit, take his toys and go home.
You know at this point, who gives a fuck?
Blah, blah, blah, we hate Bush…give a rest already.
Bush sucks, we all know that, but for the lib drama queens to fret and stew over the firing of 9 scumbag LAWYERS, should draw about as much attention as Paris Hilton finding God while in the gray-bar hotel.
For all the shit the lib dems hurl at him for what amounts to nothing, Bush should chuck the “passionate conservatism” and really give these ass-clowns a real world response to their self-important demands.
If left to me to draft a response to these very serious charges they would go as follows;

“Dear ass-clowns, this is my formal response to your demands for me to provide you the documents you demand; take this letter, roll it up and shove it up your ass. While you’re at it, you might as well impeach me, with my numbers in the tank like they are, I have nothing to lose. By the way, keep fucking with me and I’ll really pull a “Nixonian” move and sick the IRS on your ass, so shut the fuck up and get back to the important work of sucking up pork for your worthless donors, XOXOXO “W””

It’s good to see there’s nothing really important to worry about in Washington these days….

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