Thursday, July 12, 2007

How libs can save the Earth from Global Warming

1. Turn off all your utilities; because after all, using ANY electricity produces that nasty carbon; I wonder if algore’s $3,000 a month power bill is exempt since he is the pied piper of the cause? I digress; any utility is a no-no if want to make sure our world is safe for our children; at least in the case of libs, the children that make pass the abortion clinic.
2. Don’t eat any food; unless you grow it yourself; remember, big trucks that produce that nasty carbon most likely were used to deliver the tofu to your local health food store; you’re a hypocrite if you eat any food transported by a any type of motorized vehicle and should be in the words of Bobby Kennedy Jr. “be tried for treason” if you do.
3. Don’t ride any transportation; unless you walk, ride a bike or if you can get a friend to haul your ass around in a rickshaw; anything that moves other than those listed produce that nasty carbon; you wouldn’t want that would you? When moving from your apartment you can’t afford to pay for back into your parent’s basement, use a horse drawn cart; just make sure the horse doesn’t belch or fart along the way.
4. Kill yourself; in the best interest of saving our planet, wouldn’t make perfect sense to just simply off your-self? If you take a long look at the situation, you’ll come to the realization that your presence on this Earth is problem, because every time you exhale, you’re producing nasty carbon which kills another acre of rainforest and another couple dozen baby seals in the Artic; save mother Earth by using your carcass to fertilize a tree.

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