Thursday, July 26, 2007


Wow, I’m losing sleep over yet another shocking case of some high ranking White House official lying to a bunch other high ranking lying Congressional officials; it’s like a battle of two ‘tards on the short yellow bus fighting over some animal crackers spilled on the floor board.
If ever the day came that elected officials would actually get stuff done FOR the people rather score points for the minority of dumb assholes of each respective base; then that would be a real shocker.
The looming “constitutional crisis” with Bush basically telling congressional lib/dems to go fuck themselves really does little for the ever sky-rocketing gas prices, the threat of terrorism, the impending collapse of social security and the gut wrenching cost of health care; but what the fuck, as long as there is pay back is order for the powers that be; to hell with the consequences that face this nation.


I just saw for the first time the movie “Who Killed the Electric Car?”, afterwards, I was just pissed off as ever at the shear greed and stupidity of the willing whores in government and the “johns” who reside in corporate America; a real solution was in hand to help stem this nations’ “addiction” to oil and the possible positive impact on CO2 emission reduction (I’m still not fully convinced on “global warming” because of algore being the main guru of the cause, but reducing smog is never a bad thing) The relaxation of CAFÉ standards during the 90’s did no one no good other than the automotive and oil industries and the willingness of the federal government to bend like a weed in the wind to the pressure of those industries have set us back years in being able to achieve 100% energy independence; it would so nice some day to tell OPEC to go drink their fucking oil. I think my next car is going to be a hybrid.

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