Saturday, August 11, 2007

Knee Jerkism and your pocketbook

Sorry for my absence; I have been away on family vacation, actually to Minneapolis to shop at the Mall of America (how brazening typical American); having a chance to intermingle with the local gentry while there, the locals for the most part are pissed off their state did not do enough to inspect the collapsed bridge and are even more pissed off that they now have found out that their state tax coffers have nearly a two billion dollar surplus as a result of years of OVER TAXATION!!! But yet, dumbass politicians from both sides (more so from the jackass party) are demanding a national 5¢ tax on a gallon of gas to help pay for America’s crumbling infrastructure; never mind the fact that billions of existing highway improvement dollars are siphoned off each year for PORK to build bike paths and anything other than road and bridge up keep.
The bigger picture in the I-35W bridge collapse has more to do with the continuing failure of our elected “leaders” to do the right thing for the public safety of ALL Americans by spending tax dollars wisely and to not keep coming to the well for more when the well is dry.
The sickening aspect of all this is the way the politicians are using the deaths of those on that bridge to pad their pork barrel projects; they should be at least be ashamed of themselves and at most be horse whipped on the court house steps of each of their respective districts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn right, "horse whip" those bastards.