Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Political theatre

No wonder Congress’ approval is at only 14%; the brain trust that resides in the Senate is just about on the last leg of their latest offering of political theatre by holding an all night Bush bash and surrender slumber party to force Bush (who is no friend of mine by the way) to declare defeat and run away so as to set up lib/dem control of congress for the next 25 years or more.
I’m glad to say that I did not watch one single second of this farce; but I’m sure there will be loads of great quotes that opposition parties will use against one another in the next election cycle; if you consider the sound of screeching pussies as a source of great “quotes”.
The only thing that is being accomplished by this surrender slumber party is CYA on the part of the fools who voted for this mess in the first place; trying to dictate policy on how to conduct the war is nothing but pure folly; the only option Congress has at it’s disposal is to cut the funding off and force the troops to retreat, most likely under fire.
But of course the gutless wonders who proclaim their love and support for the troops know full well that a majority of Americans will hunt them down with pitch forks and torches like the Frankenstein monster if they cut off funding; thus which leads to the conclusion that congress is nothing but a bunch of pussies trying to have it both ways, as usual.
Its too bad Bush didn’t use “the surge” three years ago when things were still in flux, but his insistence of using the Rumsfeld doctrine of conducting war with less is what led to the mess; his place in history will be determined by this and his success or failure of the current “surge”, barring any political correctness intervening with the wall of steel bring brought down on the Islamo-fascists who are flooding in from Syria and Iran; wait did I just mention the real root of the problems facing the region?
Never mind, Hillary will take care of them once she weasels her way into the White House (don’t hold your breath)

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