Thursday, August 2, 2007

Acts of heroism vs. acts of whinerism

6:05 PM local time, August 1, 2007; Minneapolis MN on the I-35 W bridge over the Mississippi River; all hell broke loose; millions of tons of steel; concrete and human beings packed in their cars, trucks and school buses fell without any warning in the blink of eye 50ft into the river and the banks on each side; without any hesitation and total disregard for their own safety; dozens of people not hurt in the aftermath and those near by jumped into action and began to offer help any way they could to those who were less fortunate.
Once again; man’s humanity towards his fellow man shined like a millions suns that fateful evening on the I-35 W.
It goes to show that in times of need there is no time to waste waiting for “government officials” to show up with grief counselors and debt cards that could be used for lap dances; my point being that I couldn’t help but think of the “human agony” of Katrina in New Orleans from two years ago; those people had A WEEK to get out whereas the folks on that bridge yesterday had no warning what-so-ever; and so far, none of them are blaming “W” or the government for not having reparations and debt cards at the ready.
Call me a heartless conservative; but the folks in Minneapolis showed a hell of a lot more character than those who broke out store windows to get new shoes and cases of beer.
Character is something that most people have to seek out to please their peers; in moments of tragedy, character usually springs forth without warning; yesterday; the folks on I-35W found theirs.

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