Saturday, June 23, 2007

Prose, not "Ho's" ver.2

The obesity of hunger
Starving ourselves with gluttony
The gluttony of progress
The burden of faith
The death of reason
Born into a world of electric over load
Stressing the seams of humanity
Sacrificing the sheep with bright knives
Letting lose the souls of the dying
Only to feed the fear of the living
Dark and forbidding light shines from above
The God of this world has gone
Gone for over a hundred years
Light bathes those in the gated hell of suburbia
Little Japanese gardens infested with beetles
Eating the green and lush flowers of life
Leaving nothing but a scared brown wasteland
The billowing smoke of cities burning
With a desire to be free from want
Free from hunger
Free from the prospect of washing away with the flood
A flood of pain that cascades from above
With no remorse or pity for God’s little children
God deliver me from the clutches of it all
A big swooping raven plucks the truth from the dead
The worms are marching to the feast
The feast of mankind’s last dying gasp
Fear of not knowing what lays ahead for us all
Give me peace
Give me light
Give me the chance to prove my love for you
Before it’s too late
Before time is gone
Bring me love
Bring me you

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