Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Wrap your head around this if you can

Is it clarity or insanity; you be the judge.

The decision is in the ability to glean any semblance of truth from the words and thoughts which I attempt to lay out in an effort to put my view on what we in this early throes of the 21st century know as “the War on Terror”.

Try to follow me if you can with an open mind.

We all know that this “war” began on 9/11/01, but the reality is that this war began nearly a millennium ago with the forces of Saladin and the Knights Templar battling for the walled city of Jerusalem which was fought over back and forth for hundreds of years during the Crusades.
It was only with the ultimate defeat of the Christian armies that the terms were set in place for the next several hundred years.
The uneasy absence of hostility was only interrupted a few times over the course of history until the founding of the Jewish state of Israel in 1948 in the post horrors of the Holocaust during WWII; the newly founded United Nations through a simple act relinquished control of British Palestine to the fledgling nation.
At almost as immediately as this was done, the Arabs of the region attacked Israel and hence forth the resumption of the Crusades’ had fallen upon this region once again; only this time with the help of the United States which in some remote connections, was the forbearers of the Knights Templar, (Masonic rituals of the founding fathers for example) and the Jews which they had vanquished as well.

All this means something in the fact that the primary motivation of this modern day crusade, i.e. “war on terror” is the Muslim destruction of Israel much in the same as hundreds of years ago. Think about it, all acts of terrorism against the US and Israel and at times Western Europe is based on their unwavering support of the Jewish state which is an affront to the Muslim people. The “Arab street” is seething with the words of Osama bin Laden and countless Mullahs and clerics who recount on a daily basis for the last 60 years as to the ultimate destruction of Israel.
The second motivating factor of the Muslim “Jihad” is the shear fear and hatred the Muslims have for what they see as nothing but pure evil of the West, in particularly the United States; which they are more fearful of not our freedom and liberty, but our decadence and “infidelity” in the eyes of God, or Allah. Our society for all its goodness and charitable deeds is on the flip side a morass of pornography and wickedness. Christians can sin for 6 days and find salvation on the 7th; this is an abomination to the Muslims.

What can ever be done to bridge this gap?

One of the main complaints I have heard spoken of George Bush is his “Masonic quest” to establish freedom and liberty to that part of the world; which is noble at best, fruitless at least. This truly is an impasse that only time will tell how it ends; will there be roving bands of Jihadists swarming the streets of the United States forcing the “infidels” to convert or die? I doubt it, but it is quite possible to see them swarming the streets of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv-Jaffa setting upon the Jewish people much in the same as when the events of the book of Isaiah was written. How to confront and bring a solution to end this is still very much up in the air at this time; will the West acquiesce or do what is necessary, which is to come to the understanding that what we are dealing with is older than any of us can ever fully appreciate.

The growing discontent with the American people because this “war on terror” is not over like a one hour episode of some TV crime drama draws colossal differences between the ADHD infested “me now” generation of the west vs. the wait a hundred years to exact the pound of flesh of revenge of the Muslim world and their global Jihad. The west doesn’t stand a chance with this measure weighing in the balance of to who will reign victorious in the end this war, which very likely will last a hundred years or more.

My ambiguity may be apparent, but let me be perfectly clear on this one point; our very way of life is at risk and no one will be there to pick up the pieces when the whole house of cards collapses into the ash heap of history….

The lunatic is on the grass....

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