Wednesday, July 4, 2007

“Scooter’s” Excellent 4th of July!!!

Blessed be “W’s” partial pardon for “Scooter” Libby; the poor guy who was wrongly implicated in the outing of CIA super spy Valerie Plame. All along the “leaker” was Colin Powell’s man Richard Armitage, but nevertheless Special Super-Duper Prosecutor Fitzgerald had his man dead in his sights and wanted to exact his pound of flesh.
Poor “Scooter” who was just about to be fitted with his orange jumpsuit was miraculously saved by “W”!
To which I say, BULLSHIT!
“Scooter” may have been wrongly pursued but it was his lying to the FBI that got him his fitting for an orange jumpsuit; to simply insist the poor guy was strained with all the stress of running cover for Darth Cheney wouldn’t stand a chance with poor slobs like me or you. “Scooter’s” delivery FROM justice was solely based on “W’s” endgame to cover his ass before he leaves office in January 2009, with what little reputation he’ll have left (looks like he’s going to share reputations with Jimmy Carter after all as one of the worst presidents in our history), which leads me to the real issue at hand.
If there are to be any pardons handed out they should be for the two U.S. Border Patrol agents Ramos and Compean who are rotting in a federal prison for doing their fucking jobs, but “W” won’t get involved with that case, it has no direct bearing on covering his ass.
I’m telling you, this country is about to bust wide open, and the day it happens, God have mercy on those who stand in the way….

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