Monday, August 13, 2007


Libs everywhere must be soiling themselves in either fits of rage, glee or both at the news that the most hated person since Richard Nixon is leaving the Bush white House.
Karl Rove has been the very bane of existence to the left since 2000 when he engineered Bush’s election to win the White House over their golden boy “algore”; the seething hatred has only intensified like the potency of a single malt scotch or a block of Wisconsin cheese; with each passing week for the last half dozen years; lefties awaited with baited breath for news of Rove’s indictment and the obligatory mug shot to blow up and adorn dart boards from Berkley to Chappaqua. But alas, it never came; and it never will; lib/dems will have settle for nothing but their twisted fantasies to sooth their seething hatred, because no matter how much they wish for anything to convict Rove for, there is nothing there, at least nothing that hasn’t already been completely erased from the face of the earth and the prying eyes and subpoenas of congressional lib/dems.
You see, Rove took a cue from old Richard Nixon; never leave anything around that could be used against you during a squirrelly congressional hearing.
Rove will have the last laugh; and to that; will cause many a lefties’ heads to explode like that guy from that movie “Scanners”.
The unspoken or subconscious psyche of the left has been that their hatred for Rove has more to do with the fact that they are envious of his ability to snooker them so badly in the last two elections; first their golden boy “algore” then the Brahman Bull, Jacques le Kerry. How could someone as stupid as Bush win over such obviously much more intelligent and nuanced men as algore and Kerry? It was Rove, the boy genius who ran circles around them both as the brains behind the throne, the Wizard of Oz, the man behind the curtain.
No matter how one dissects the political acumen of Karl Rove; one thing is certain; his mark on American political history will be felt for years to come.

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