Thursday, June 28, 2007

DING DONG, THE WITCH IS DEAD (at least for now)

Well small wonder; the assh0les in Washington did the right thing and voted down the piece of shit Immigration Reform Bill (anything that has Ted Kennedy’s name attached to it must be bad no matter what it is).
Thanks to the gutless wonders in the GOP that finally found their nut sack and helped run a wooden stake through the black little heart of this obscene affront to the American way of life; now, the next best thing to happen is these worthless motherf*ckers can do is build the goddamn fence and start rounding up the MS13 gangstas and ship their ass back south where they belong.
Too bad for “W”, looks like his legacy will be his quagmire in Iraq and a brief moment on the pile of rubble after 9/11 when he actually had some respect; his quest to push his amnesty through has blown up in his face, thank God.
Now, we as a nation can focus on more important issues like how of what will life be for Paris now that she has done hard time for her crimes against the state; can she re-unite a nation that is torn asunder from all this derision?
Nevertheless, POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!!

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