Monday, August 27, 2007

Profiles in “scourage”; Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, aka The Queen Bee, aka Clinton Inc aka Senator Clinton, etc…

The pièce de résistance herself, Hillary is the last in the profiles of “scourage” for the simple fact that she, according to Rush Limbaugh, has about an 80% chance of being the 44th president of the United States; the first Marxist lesbian to fill those Birkenstocks.
What can be said about Hillary that hasn’t already; her ability to squash her enemies like Stalin or Mao could is truly amazing, just ask Vince Foster…I digress.
The truth of the matter is that Hillary is as polarizing figure as Bush if not more; her negative polling numbers are near 60% in some polls, which is the highest any one candidate running; her centrist act is just that, an act; a ploy to get votes from simple minded libs and independents who actually think she would be a good president; based on what? What are her accomplishments? Can anyone name any one significant thing she has done other than marry Slick Willie to ride his coattails to power or vote to invade Iraq in 2002? Hillary is the embodiment of two faced politicks; the politics of conquer and divide; pit one side against the other all in the purpose of creating a storm then taking credit for quelling everyone’s fears (just like Clinton Inc did during Slick’s terms in office)
When all is said and done, who really can stomach the realization that this country will have gone from Bush to Clinton to Bush to Clinton again?
Let’s hope people are attuned to this concept…

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