Wednesday, June 27, 2007

BETRAYAL OF THE FIRST ORDER (so what else is new)

Yesterday was yet another crack in the mantle of our sovereignty as a free nation, only this time the motherf*ckers in Washington didn’t do it in the dark of the night like they do when they vote themselves ridiculous pay raises for the shitty work they do; they did this in broad day light like a low rider filled with “gangstas” firing into a crowd of innocent by-standers on a street corner.
The out of touch elitists who reside in their plush perches of power (at our expense mind you) have crossed a line they fully do not recognize; the first shot in the next American Revolution has been volleyed across the bow of a very pissed off public.
It should be the mission of every American to see to the removal from office all of those who voted to continue this obscene Immigration Reform Bill.
I wish the wacko libs in Congress would get on with Bush’s impeachment if anything to take his focus off his piece of shit bill him and his buddy Ted Kennedy are trying to shove down our throats…

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