Friday, June 22, 2007


Or so said Howard Beale after he tried to commit suicide on the air in the movie "Network"; that flick still rates as one of the all time greats, what a fore-shadowing of "things to come" on television.
I don't know about you, but I feel the same way, with the ever growing bullshit from Washington, I feel this nation is about to bust a collective cap in the ass of a couple hunrded motherf*ckin' politicians and scores of con-glomo corporate news whores.
Let me count the ways;
1. Border security and illegal aliens; rather than send the country to hell in a handbasket with the Kennedy, Bush, Repubilcrat "Immigration Reform of 2007", why the fuck not enforce existing law? Sen. Lindsay Graministy says the current law is no good, no fucking wonder, no one ever gave it a chance!The hard cold truth is that the Democrats want votes and the Republicans want cheap labor; hell they both want the same, while the American people are being threatened by the prospect of another terrorist attack vis-a-vis the porous border. If nothing is done and there is another attack(?), then "witness the fire power of this fully armed and operational battle station" you assholes in Washington.
2. The "War on Terror"; here's a thought, either fight to win or bring all our troops home and circle the waggons; trying to fight a PC war is like putting screen doors on a submarine. Does anyone think these terrorist motherf*ckers follow the rules of engagment? Follow the doctrine of Gen. George S. Patton, when he told his newly formed Third Army that they will tear the guts out of the bodies of their dead enemies and use them to grease the tracks of their tanks; political correctness is reason we're in this mess to begin with.
3. Global Warming; Like I posted earlier, it get's hot in the summer and cold in the winter; and besides, where the hell did algore get his acumen in geo-science? His stock holdings in Oxidental Oil?
4. Political divisiveness; once all you good, "liberals" and "conservatives" understand you're nothing but fodder for the powers that be, you'll be nothing more than a joke to those you serve; do you really think at the end of day in Washington these "public servants" give a shit about you? You're nothing but good for a handout until they can firgure out a way to fuck you to get ahead; the lowest forms of life follow in this order, peodphiles, car dealers then politicians.
Thomas Jefferson had it right when he said that in order to perserve freedom and liberty, a revolution from time to time is in order to protect the very essence of humankinds need for such.
Are you ready to do what is needed?

By the way, which one's Pink?

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