Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Lib logic; “W’s” failures and what is really at stake...

The big push by Senate Democrats to cut war funding and bring the troops home for the umpteenth time in as many months is rearing it’s ugly head again; their base, the zealot “we hate Bush crowd” who voted en masse for their lib/dem buddies last November with the promise of “restoring America’s global standing in the world” by pursuing the French method of warfare by running away have reached a fever pitch, yet again.
The lib logic is that since the Iraqi government can not get their act together and the “surge” is forcing al Qaeda to keep on the run, the US should immediately retreat, because it’s what the rest of the world wants us to do, and by doing so will show that we are not war mongering cretins like Bush.
Sure, Bush has totally fucked this thing up by not fighting this battle to win from the beginning in March 2003; this is why most Americans are sick and tired of this battle; we’re not fighting it to win; the lib/dems interpret this attitude as the public wants to run away; it’s not, and this is where they are totally fucked by thinking so.
America never wants to declare defeat again like we did in Southeast Asia in the 1970’s; it’s not conducive to commanding respect globally in the face of our enemies (thank you, Jimmy Carter) Americans want results that keeps us in the fore front of the geo political game, because a lot of blood has been shed to pay that price.
If we leave Iraq now, we will be in a greater position of weakness as a result, and the slaughter that will en sue in the region will make current events in Iraq look like the good old days of relative calm.
America is tired of losing and pussy ass politicians need to paid heed to that notion; I’m not exactly keen to the idea of being forced to pray to Allah or not eat my smoked baby back ribs….

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