Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The “Surge” and Political Suicide….

Can it be that “W’s” “surge” is actually working?
The recent New York Times article “A War We Just Might Win” published July 30, 2007; written by a former Clinton aid and a member of the Brookings Institute stated that the “surge” is showing signs of turning things around in Iraq and that for the US to pull out now would be a huge mistake risking the lives of thousands of Iraqis.
This is not good news for those who are fully vested in seeing yet another American military failure such as Vietnam.
I’m still no big fan of “W”, but if his policy of strengthening Iraqi security forces to stand on their own is showing signs of working, are all the better for Iraq and for America; to those who have been wanting to see failure; they will pay the political price, soon enough.
The problem the lib/dems face with a positive turn-around in Iraq, is because they have placed all their political capital into defeat, which is a cowardly path to follow and one the voters will not take to kindly too if things continue to improve.
The lib/dems have painted themselves into a corner from which they can not retract themselves; they in essence are committing political suicide; how all this will play out in the next election is hard to predict; but if things in Iraq improve and stability only grows stronger, this next election could be a repeat of the 1972 drubbing McGovern took.
Hillary Clinton may be wise enough to see this and Clinton Inc will follow their own political instincts and adjust her message accordingly; as it stands now, she most likely will the next president of this country, unless the albatross of “W” is shed and a Republican like Thompson or Giuliani get the nomination and carry the policies of “W” for the next 4 to 8 years.
Will 2008 be the watershed?
Only the success the “surge” will be able to tell.

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