Monday, August 20, 2007

Profiles in “scourage”; John Edwards

My next series of posts will deal with ALL those who seek the highest office in the land; to be the top whore to the United States of Corporate America.
Up until now they have all been old white men; most running for the chance to be the next top whore for the most part are old white men, with the exceptions of one African American, a Hispanic, a Marxist Lesbian, a Mormon and a scumbag trial lawyer, and a few nut cases who are good for a laugh or two during these never ending debates.

My first profile is on John Edwards; the scumbag trial lawyer. What can I say other the fact he’s a scumbag trial lawyer? I guess I could point out he has pretty hair and is about as authentic as a three dollar bill. This guy is in my book grade “A” tip top scum; to put it in a nutshell, I’d rather see the Marxist Lesbian, Hillary get elected before this guy.
Talk about a creep; this guy has to use his wife who has cancer to do his hatchet work on Hillary; he can’t find a message to save his ass and for the most part is the epitome of scumbag trial lawyers. Did I mention he’s a scumbag trial lawyer?

God help us all if this guy gets elected; which won’t happen, because he’s a scumbag trial lawyer.

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