Saturday, July 21, 2007

“W’s” colonoscopy and President Darth Cheney…

Today, “W” is getting a colonoscopy, which means for a brief period of time, the 25th amendment will be enacted and Darth Cheney will get to assume the presidency during the procedure.
Just think of all the devious thoughts that are play in the mind of old Darth Cheney; the power of the dark is very seductive and many things could happen in a short period of time; i.e. Darth could declare Marshall Law on all liberals and have them rounded up and sent to Gitmo or other detention centers; or just go right to the root of his padawan’s problems and just have the Democrat leadership of the House and Senate arrested as enemy combatants; or shut down and imprison the editorial staffs of the MSM and their reporters who ask all those pesky questions at those unnecessary press conferences; picture Helen Thomas in an orange jumpsuit! At any rate, “W” is going to be incapacitated during his procedure, (come to think of it, hasn’t he always been incapacitated?) I digress; Darth Cheney will for a few short hours send liberals into fits of terror as he becomes the president; this should cause Janeane Garofalo to up her meds for the time being. I’m sure when Hillary is president and has liposuction, botox, or breast augmentation done to get the hook up with small hot stud foreign leader like Vlad Putin, Hugo Chavez or Angela Merkel; the same fits of terror will rumble with the militia and fly-over-country crowd.

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