Saturday, August 25, 2007

Profiles in "scourage"; Mitt Romney

Although his polling numbers are lower than Rudy's; Mitt will most likely be the nominee for the GOP in this next election; which will ensure a Hillary victory in 2008.
His alto recent road to Damascus conversion to "Reagan" conservatism lies suspect with a base that is already pissed off enough with the so-called conservatism of "W", who by and large never was a conservative in the classic sense.
Mitt seems to have that John Kerry "flip-flop" thing to worry about with the base and which could be effectively used against him by Clinton Inc.
Not that it matters to me, but his Mormon faith is a big problem with a lot of folks who know about the weird history of the Mormons.
Not many Christians can identify with a church that claims to have it's foundation from secret golden tablets and a talking white salamander, not to mention the weird underwear thing that all Mormon men have to wear.

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