Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Profiles in “scourage”; Fred Thompson

District Attorney Branch is seeking his next office, or is he? Old Fred Thompson is no different than some hot high school prick tease baiting all those good Christian conservatives along on his wishy washy non comitial run for president; he’s still working on his organization and what not. Look, I think this guy is getting cold feet and his actions of late speak more than words; his latest speech at the VFW convention in Kansas City was tepid at best; hell, Obama had a better speech than this guy, and those old duffers have no intention of voting for Obama even if he was the only candidate running.
I liked Fred in all those movies he was in over the years and he is clearly a strong conservative, but he’s not running; he’s only role playing and when it becomes clear this is all he is doing, then there will be hell to pay; don’t fuck with conservatives, they don’t like being played like they’re in a movie theatre watching the latest Jack Ryan installment.

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