Friday, July 13, 2007


Looks like the adept military experts in Congress have voted to do the right thing and abandon the folks in Iraq within 4 months; because after all, that’s what the folks in the US voted for last November (I thought it was restoring ethics? At any rate); thick headed Bush just doesn’t understand that Presidential powers indicated in the Constitution are merely a suggestive guide line that is ultimately dictated by poll numbers and opinion of the editorial pages of the New York Times and Washington Post,
Just who the hell does Bush think he is?
Well, the brave and forthright Democrats who have done more for this nation since they took power in January by launching dozens of pointless investigations that take precedence over border security and fighting Islamo-fascism; are now going for the big prize, the impeachment of Bush!
I now get a better night’s sleep knowing that people like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are stepping up to be the vanguard to the real threat that faces this nation; evil stupid Bush and his Sith Lord, Darth Cheney who after all concocted this whole thing beginning with 9/11 and the removal of Saddam.
(Never mind the fact that during the entire Clinton presidency, al Qaeda attacked US interests abroad at will)
Thanks to the brave Democrats who see that the true nature of this nation is to embrace defeat like that other great western power, France; because after all, in the end, that’s what the wisdom of the Democrats only see through their myopic rose colored glasses.

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