Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The “Surge” and Political Suicide….

Can it be that “W’s” “surge” is actually working?
The recent New York Times article “A War We Just Might Win” published July 30, 2007; written by a former Clinton aid and a member of the Brookings Institute stated that the “surge” is showing signs of turning things around in Iraq and that for the US to pull out now would be a huge mistake risking the lives of thousands of Iraqis.
This is not good news for those who are fully vested in seeing yet another American military failure such as Vietnam.
I’m still no big fan of “W”, but if his policy of strengthening Iraqi security forces to stand on their own is showing signs of working, are all the better for Iraq and for America; to those who have been wanting to see failure; they will pay the political price, soon enough.
The problem the lib/dems face with a positive turn-around in Iraq, is because they have placed all their political capital into defeat, which is a cowardly path to follow and one the voters will not take to kindly too if things continue to improve.
The lib/dems have painted themselves into a corner from which they can not retract themselves; they in essence are committing political suicide; how all this will play out in the next election is hard to predict; but if things in Iraq improve and stability only grows stronger, this next election could be a repeat of the 1972 drubbing McGovern took.
Hillary Clinton may be wise enough to see this and Clinton Inc will follow their own political instincts and adjust her message accordingly; as it stands now, she most likely will the next president of this country, unless the albatross of “W” is shed and a Republican like Thompson or Giuliani get the nomination and carry the policies of “W” for the next 4 to 8 years.
Will 2008 be the watershed?
Only the success the “surge” will be able to tell.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Wow, I’m losing sleep over yet another shocking case of some high ranking White House official lying to a bunch other high ranking lying Congressional officials; it’s like a battle of two ‘tards on the short yellow bus fighting over some animal crackers spilled on the floor board.
If ever the day came that elected officials would actually get stuff done FOR the people rather score points for the minority of dumb assholes of each respective base; then that would be a real shocker.
The looming “constitutional crisis” with Bush basically telling congressional lib/dems to go fuck themselves really does little for the ever sky-rocketing gas prices, the threat of terrorism, the impending collapse of social security and the gut wrenching cost of health care; but what the fuck, as long as there is pay back is order for the powers that be; to hell with the consequences that face this nation.


I just saw for the first time the movie “Who Killed the Electric Car?”, afterwards, I was just pissed off as ever at the shear greed and stupidity of the willing whores in government and the “johns” who reside in corporate America; a real solution was in hand to help stem this nations’ “addiction” to oil and the possible positive impact on CO2 emission reduction (I’m still not fully convinced on “global warming” because of algore being the main guru of the cause, but reducing smog is never a bad thing) The relaxation of CAFÉ standards during the 90’s did no one no good other than the automotive and oil industries and the willingness of the federal government to bend like a weed in the wind to the pressure of those industries have set us back years in being able to achieve 100% energy independence; it would so nice some day to tell OPEC to go drink their fucking oil. I think my next car is going to be a hybrid.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

“W’s” colonoscopy and President Darth Cheney…

Today, “W” is getting a colonoscopy, which means for a brief period of time, the 25th amendment will be enacted and Darth Cheney will get to assume the presidency during the procedure.
Just think of all the devious thoughts that are play in the mind of old Darth Cheney; the power of the dark is very seductive and many things could happen in a short period of time; i.e. Darth could declare Marshall Law on all liberals and have them rounded up and sent to Gitmo or other detention centers; or just go right to the root of his padawan’s problems and just have the Democrat leadership of the House and Senate arrested as enemy combatants; or shut down and imprison the editorial staffs of the MSM and their reporters who ask all those pesky questions at those unnecessary press conferences; picture Helen Thomas in an orange jumpsuit! At any rate, “W” is going to be incapacitated during his procedure, (come to think of it, hasn’t he always been incapacitated?) I digress; Darth Cheney will for a few short hours send liberals into fits of terror as he becomes the president; this should cause Janeane Garofalo to up her meds for the time being. I’m sure when Hillary is president and has liposuction, botox, or breast augmentation done to get the hook up with small hot stud foreign leader like Vlad Putin, Hugo Chavez or Angela Merkel; the same fits of terror will rumble with the militia and fly-over-country crowd.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Political theatre

No wonder Congress’ approval is at only 14%; the brain trust that resides in the Senate is just about on the last leg of their latest offering of political theatre by holding an all night Bush bash and surrender slumber party to force Bush (who is no friend of mine by the way) to declare defeat and run away so as to set up lib/dem control of congress for the next 25 years or more.
I’m glad to say that I did not watch one single second of this farce; but I’m sure there will be loads of great quotes that opposition parties will use against one another in the next election cycle; if you consider the sound of screeching pussies as a source of great “quotes”.
The only thing that is being accomplished by this surrender slumber party is CYA on the part of the fools who voted for this mess in the first place; trying to dictate policy on how to conduct the war is nothing but pure folly; the only option Congress has at it’s disposal is to cut the funding off and force the troops to retreat, most likely under fire.
But of course the gutless wonders who proclaim their love and support for the troops know full well that a majority of Americans will hunt them down with pitch forks and torches like the Frankenstein monster if they cut off funding; thus which leads to the conclusion that congress is nothing but a bunch of pussies trying to have it both ways, as usual.
Its too bad Bush didn’t use “the surge” three years ago when things were still in flux, but his insistence of using the Rumsfeld doctrine of conducting war with less is what led to the mess; his place in history will be determined by this and his success or failure of the current “surge”, barring any political correctness intervening with the wall of steel bring brought down on the Islamo-fascists who are flooding in from Syria and Iran; wait did I just mention the real root of the problems facing the region?
Never mind, Hillary will take care of them once she weasels her way into the White House (don’t hold your breath)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Joke of the day; RE DUX

A midget cowboy walks into the doctor’s office.
He tells the doctor, "When I walk, my nuts hurt real bad."
The doctor tells him, "Get up on the table and I'll take care of it for you."
The midget cowboy jumps up on the table, he lays down, the doctor grabs a pair of scissors.
The doctor starts sniping with the scissors.
The midget cowboy is lying their wondering what the heck the doctor is doing.
Then the doctor finishes and tells the midget cowboy to get off the table.
The midget cowboy starts to walk around, and to his wonder, the pain is gone!
The midget cowboy then asks the doctor, "Hey, what did you do?"
The doctor tells him, "I cut two inches off the top of your boots."

Friday, July 13, 2007


Looks like the adept military experts in Congress have voted to do the right thing and abandon the folks in Iraq within 4 months; because after all, that’s what the folks in the US voted for last November (I thought it was restoring ethics? At any rate); thick headed Bush just doesn’t understand that Presidential powers indicated in the Constitution are merely a suggestive guide line that is ultimately dictated by poll numbers and opinion of the editorial pages of the New York Times and Washington Post,
Just who the hell does Bush think he is?
Well, the brave and forthright Democrats who have done more for this nation since they took power in January by launching dozens of pointless investigations that take precedence over border security and fighting Islamo-fascism; are now going for the big prize, the impeachment of Bush!
I now get a better night’s sleep knowing that people like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are stepping up to be the vanguard to the real threat that faces this nation; evil stupid Bush and his Sith Lord, Darth Cheney who after all concocted this whole thing beginning with 9/11 and the removal of Saddam.
(Never mind the fact that during the entire Clinton presidency, al Qaeda attacked US interests abroad at will)
Thanks to the brave Democrats who see that the true nature of this nation is to embrace defeat like that other great western power, France; because after all, in the end, that’s what the wisdom of the Democrats only see through their myopic rose colored glasses.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

How libs can save the Earth from Global Warming

1. Turn off all your utilities; because after all, using ANY electricity produces that nasty carbon; I wonder if algore’s $3,000 a month power bill is exempt since he is the pied piper of the cause? I digress; any utility is a no-no if want to make sure our world is safe for our children; at least in the case of libs, the children that make pass the abortion clinic.
2. Don’t eat any food; unless you grow it yourself; remember, big trucks that produce that nasty carbon most likely were used to deliver the tofu to your local health food store; you’re a hypocrite if you eat any food transported by a any type of motorized vehicle and should be in the words of Bobby Kennedy Jr. “be tried for treason” if you do.
3. Don’t ride any transportation; unless you walk, ride a bike or if you can get a friend to haul your ass around in a rickshaw; anything that moves other than those listed produce that nasty carbon; you wouldn’t want that would you? When moving from your apartment you can’t afford to pay for back into your parent’s basement, use a horse drawn cart; just make sure the horse doesn’t belch or fart along the way.
4. Kill yourself; in the best interest of saving our planet, wouldn’t make perfect sense to just simply off your-self? If you take a long look at the situation, you’ll come to the realization that your presence on this Earth is problem, because every time you exhale, you’re producing nasty carbon which kills another acre of rainforest and another couple dozen baby seals in the Artic; save mother Earth by using your carcass to fertilize a tree.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Lib logic; “W’s” failures and what is really at stake...

The big push by Senate Democrats to cut war funding and bring the troops home for the umpteenth time in as many months is rearing it’s ugly head again; their base, the zealot “we hate Bush crowd” who voted en masse for their lib/dem buddies last November with the promise of “restoring America’s global standing in the world” by pursuing the French method of warfare by running away have reached a fever pitch, yet again.
The lib logic is that since the Iraqi government can not get their act together and the “surge” is forcing al Qaeda to keep on the run, the US should immediately retreat, because it’s what the rest of the world wants us to do, and by doing so will show that we are not war mongering cretins like Bush.
Sure, Bush has totally fucked this thing up by not fighting this battle to win from the beginning in March 2003; this is why most Americans are sick and tired of this battle; we’re not fighting it to win; the lib/dems interpret this attitude as the public wants to run away; it’s not, and this is where they are totally fucked by thinking so.
America never wants to declare defeat again like we did in Southeast Asia in the 1970’s; it’s not conducive to commanding respect globally in the face of our enemies (thank you, Jimmy Carter) Americans want results that keeps us in the fore front of the geo political game, because a lot of blood has been shed to pay that price.
If we leave Iraq now, we will be in a greater position of weakness as a result, and the slaughter that will en sue in the region will make current events in Iraq look like the good old days of relative calm.
America is tired of losing and pussy ass politicians need to paid heed to that notion; I’m not exactly keen to the idea of being forced to pray to Allah or not eat my smoked baby back ribs….

Monday, July 9, 2007

74,500 tons...

...of carbon dioxide was produced to bring algore's Live Earth concert to the fellow travelers and various anti-capitalist dirty hippies on Saturday.
I wonder if algore became environmentally aware before or after his family got rich from Occidental Petroleum?

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

“Scooter’s” Excellent 4th of July!!!

Blessed be “W’s” partial pardon for “Scooter” Libby; the poor guy who was wrongly implicated in the outing of CIA super spy Valerie Plame. All along the “leaker” was Colin Powell’s man Richard Armitage, but nevertheless Special Super-Duper Prosecutor Fitzgerald had his man dead in his sights and wanted to exact his pound of flesh.
Poor “Scooter” who was just about to be fitted with his orange jumpsuit was miraculously saved by “W”!
To which I say, BULLSHIT!
“Scooter” may have been wrongly pursued but it was his lying to the FBI that got him his fitting for an orange jumpsuit; to simply insist the poor guy was strained with all the stress of running cover for Darth Cheney wouldn’t stand a chance with poor slobs like me or you. “Scooter’s” delivery FROM justice was solely based on “W’s” endgame to cover his ass before he leaves office in January 2009, with what little reputation he’ll have left (looks like he’s going to share reputations with Jimmy Carter after all as one of the worst presidents in our history), which leads me to the real issue at hand.
If there are to be any pardons handed out they should be for the two U.S. Border Patrol agents Ramos and Compean who are rotting in a federal prison for doing their fucking jobs, but “W” won’t get involved with that case, it has no direct bearing on covering his ass.
I’m telling you, this country is about to bust wide open, and the day it happens, God have mercy on those who stand in the way….

Monday, July 2, 2007


Looks like the video that featured the graduating class of 2007 for al Qaeda is wasting no time spreading the loving message of the religion of piece(s); two foiled car bombs in Londonistan and a messy car fire in Glasgow is a pre-cursor to what will be a long hot summer of CIA and Homeland Security failures that will lead to another 9/11 type attack.
I’m sure the lib/dems and the breathless MSM can hardly wait to score more points against the continuing failure of the Bush admin; let the coronation of Hillary begin!
The sad fucked up part of all this is that no matter who is sitting on their dead ass in the White House can’t do shit to stop any of this.
Oh sure, there hasn’t been an attack since 9/11, but that doesn’t matter to the collective blood lust of America; I want to see stacks of dead bodies, like in one of those mindless lost roadside slasher flicks where everyone dies some slow painful fucked up death a the hands of some psycho nut job; thank you Hollywood for providing such a useful public service to de-sensitize us sheep into a deep sleep.
Isn’t this a great country or what?
Our delicate sensibilities are thrust into shock at the prospect of another terrorist attack, but yet we can collectively roll in the bucket loads of blood and tissue splattered all over the movie and LCD TV screen with a wry chuckle and a thin “cool” at the needless carnage.
Conversely, we recoil in disgust at the thought of denying some murderous towel head his rights but have no compunction at the notion of seeing draconian laws put in place to punish poor simpletons who want to puff on a cigarette from time to time.
Isn’t this a great country or what?
Spend your summer lazing away by the pool or in the backyard without a care; for tomorrow the threat grows just closer.

Joke of the day

A Somali arrives in Minneapolis as a new immigrant to the United
States. He stops the first person he sees walking down the street
and says, "Thank you Mr. American for letting me in this country,
giving me housing, food stamps, free medical care, and free education!"

The passerby says, "You are mistaken, I am Mexican."

The man goes on and encounters another passerby. "Thank you
for having such a beautiful country here in America!"

The person says, "I not American, I Vietnamese."

The new arrival walks further, and the next person he sees he stops,
shakes his hand and says, "Thank you for the wonderful America!"

That person puts up his hand and says, "I am from Middle
East, I am not American!"

He finally sees a nice lady and asks, "Are you an American?"

She says, "No, I am from Africa!"

Puzzled, he asks her, "Where are all the Americans?"

The African lady checks her watch and says..."Probably at work."