Monday, August 27, 2007


Hey, Chuck Schumer, Pat Leahy; looks like Bush is all you have left to investigate over those ever so important scumbag lawyer firings; you know, I’ve been losing a lot of sleep those poor f*ckers…NOT!

Profiles in “scourage”; Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, aka The Queen Bee, aka Clinton Inc aka Senator Clinton, etc…

The pièce de résistance herself, Hillary is the last in the profiles of “scourage” for the simple fact that she, according to Rush Limbaugh, has about an 80% chance of being the 44th president of the United States; the first Marxist lesbian to fill those Birkenstocks.
What can be said about Hillary that hasn’t already; her ability to squash her enemies like Stalin or Mao could is truly amazing, just ask Vince Foster…I digress.
The truth of the matter is that Hillary is as polarizing figure as Bush if not more; her negative polling numbers are near 60% in some polls, which is the highest any one candidate running; her centrist act is just that, an act; a ploy to get votes from simple minded libs and independents who actually think she would be a good president; based on what? What are her accomplishments? Can anyone name any one significant thing she has done other than marry Slick Willie to ride his coattails to power or vote to invade Iraq in 2002? Hillary is the embodiment of two faced politicks; the politics of conquer and divide; pit one side against the other all in the purpose of creating a storm then taking credit for quelling everyone’s fears (just like Clinton Inc did during Slick’s terms in office)
When all is said and done, who really can stomach the realization that this country will have gone from Bush to Clinton to Bush to Clinton again?
Let’s hope people are attuned to this concept…

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Profiles in "scourage"; Mitt Romney

Although his polling numbers are lower than Rudy's; Mitt will most likely be the nominee for the GOP in this next election; which will ensure a Hillary victory in 2008.
His alto recent road to Damascus conversion to "Reagan" conservatism lies suspect with a base that is already pissed off enough with the so-called conservatism of "W", who by and large never was a conservative in the classic sense.
Mitt seems to have that John Kerry "flip-flop" thing to worry about with the base and which could be effectively used against him by Clinton Inc.
Not that it matters to me, but his Mormon faith is a big problem with a lot of folks who know about the weird history of the Mormons.
Not many Christians can identify with a church that claims to have it's foundation from secret golden tablets and a talking white salamander, not to mention the weird underwear thing that all Mormon men have to wear.

Profiles in "scourage"; Tom Tancredo

One note samba, border security and little else.

Profiles in "scourage"; Mike Huckabee

Strong conservative; but his name reminds of that weird movie with Lilly Tomlin and Dustin Hoffman, "I (heart) Huckabee's"

Profiles in "scourage"; Mike Gravel

When Hillary, Barack and Edwards were caught on the open microphone at a debate earlier this year plotting to stage the remaining debates with just them, Gravel was the reason; this guy is so far to the left he makes Kucinich look like Rush Limbaugh.

Profiles in "scourage"; Ron Paul

Quixotic libertarian who has a lot of good ideas to restore our nations stature; he has about a snowball's chance in hell.

Profiles in "scourage"; Christopher Dodd

I think he's in it for the groupies.

Profiles in "scourage"; Rudy Giuliani

Former US Prosecuting Attorney who nailed John Gotti, former Mayor of New York who cleaned to the town up; and the hero of 9/11/01.
I like Rudy, but his checkered personal past may haunt him and could be his weakness up against the moral red state voters and Clinton Inc.
Married 3 times, his kids hate him, his current wife is his cousin; too weird for most.
Rudy should have ran against Hillary in '06 for senate from NY instead.

Profiles in "scourage"; Dennis Kucinich

A socialist elven freak show, to put it mildly.

Profiles in "scourage"; Duncan Hunter

Big on border security and that's about it; a strong conservative who would be incapable of winning the nomination; would make a great Secretary of Defense.

Profiles in "scourage"; Joe Biden

If this guy got the Democrat nomination, I would vote for him; he's about as close to what the Democrat party USED to be; strong on national security and equally as strong in regards to the working family; more than likely too liberal for my tastes in judicial appointments.
I think his idea to partition Iraq may be the best solution to bring an end to the battle in Iraq; sadly though, he too does not stand a chance against Clinton Inc.

Profiles in "scourage"; Sam Brownback


Profiles in "scourage"; Bill Richardson

A likable guy who doesn't stand a chance against Clinton Inc.

Profiles in "scourage"; John McCain

Vietnam war hero; strong conservative; pro-Bush ally in the war on terror; co-conspirator in the Keating 5 scandal during the 80's; lost all support for his insistence for the status quo for with the flood of illegals pouring across the border.
John McCain is the modern day Henry Clay.

Profiles in "scourage"; Barack Obama

...or as Ted Kennedy calls him, "Osama Obama"; what can be said about this guy, either he's a foil to Hillary or will end up being her running mate.
He's a crooked Chicago lib who wants your money, enough said

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Profiles in “scourage”; Fred Thompson

District Attorney Branch is seeking his next office, or is he? Old Fred Thompson is no different than some hot high school prick tease baiting all those good Christian conservatives along on his wishy washy non comitial run for president; he’s still working on his organization and what not. Look, I think this guy is getting cold feet and his actions of late speak more than words; his latest speech at the VFW convention in Kansas City was tepid at best; hell, Obama had a better speech than this guy, and those old duffers have no intention of voting for Obama even if he was the only candidate running.
I liked Fred in all those movies he was in over the years and he is clearly a strong conservative, but he’s not running; he’s only role playing and when it becomes clear this is all he is doing, then there will be hell to pay; don’t fuck with conservatives, they don’t like being played like they’re in a movie theatre watching the latest Jack Ryan installment.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Profiles in “scourage”; John Edwards

My next series of posts will deal with ALL those who seek the highest office in the land; to be the top whore to the United States of Corporate America.
Up until now they have all been old white men; most running for the chance to be the next top whore for the most part are old white men, with the exceptions of one African American, a Hispanic, a Marxist Lesbian, a Mormon and a scumbag trial lawyer, and a few nut cases who are good for a laugh or two during these never ending debates.

My first profile is on John Edwards; the scumbag trial lawyer. What can I say other the fact he’s a scumbag trial lawyer? I guess I could point out he has pretty hair and is about as authentic as a three dollar bill. This guy is in my book grade “A” tip top scum; to put it in a nutshell, I’d rather see the Marxist Lesbian, Hillary get elected before this guy.
Talk about a creep; this guy has to use his wife who has cancer to do his hatchet work on Hillary; he can’t find a message to save his ass and for the most part is the epitome of scumbag trial lawyers. Did I mention he’s a scumbag trial lawyer?

God help us all if this guy gets elected; which won’t happen, because he’s a scumbag trial lawyer.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The fallacy of Atheism

To be an atheist, one must have faith to believe something was created from nothing!

Monday, August 13, 2007


Libs everywhere must be soiling themselves in either fits of rage, glee or both at the news that the most hated person since Richard Nixon is leaving the Bush white House.
Karl Rove has been the very bane of existence to the left since 2000 when he engineered Bush’s election to win the White House over their golden boy “algore”; the seething hatred has only intensified like the potency of a single malt scotch or a block of Wisconsin cheese; with each passing week for the last half dozen years; lefties awaited with baited breath for news of Rove’s indictment and the obligatory mug shot to blow up and adorn dart boards from Berkley to Chappaqua. But alas, it never came; and it never will; lib/dems will have settle for nothing but their twisted fantasies to sooth their seething hatred, because no matter how much they wish for anything to convict Rove for, there is nothing there, at least nothing that hasn’t already been completely erased from the face of the earth and the prying eyes and subpoenas of congressional lib/dems.
You see, Rove took a cue from old Richard Nixon; never leave anything around that could be used against you during a squirrelly congressional hearing.
Rove will have the last laugh; and to that; will cause many a lefties’ heads to explode like that guy from that movie “Scanners”.
The unspoken or subconscious psyche of the left has been that their hatred for Rove has more to do with the fact that they are envious of his ability to snooker them so badly in the last two elections; first their golden boy “algore” then the Brahman Bull, Jacques le Kerry. How could someone as stupid as Bush win over such obviously much more intelligent and nuanced men as algore and Kerry? It was Rove, the boy genius who ran circles around them both as the brains behind the throne, the Wizard of Oz, the man behind the curtain.
No matter how one dissects the political acumen of Karl Rove; one thing is certain; his mark on American political history will be felt for years to come.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Knee Jerkism and your pocketbook

Sorry for my absence; I have been away on family vacation, actually to Minneapolis to shop at the Mall of America (how brazening typical American); having a chance to intermingle with the local gentry while there, the locals for the most part are pissed off their state did not do enough to inspect the collapsed bridge and are even more pissed off that they now have found out that their state tax coffers have nearly a two billion dollar surplus as a result of years of OVER TAXATION!!! But yet, dumbass politicians from both sides (more so from the jackass party) are demanding a national 5¢ tax on a gallon of gas to help pay for America’s crumbling infrastructure; never mind the fact that billions of existing highway improvement dollars are siphoned off each year for PORK to build bike paths and anything other than road and bridge up keep.
The bigger picture in the I-35W bridge collapse has more to do with the continuing failure of our elected “leaders” to do the right thing for the public safety of ALL Americans by spending tax dollars wisely and to not keep coming to the well for more when the well is dry.
The sickening aspect of all this is the way the politicians are using the deaths of those on that bridge to pad their pork barrel projects; they should be at least be ashamed of themselves and at most be horse whipped on the court house steps of each of their respective districts.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Acts of heroism vs. acts of whinerism

6:05 PM local time, August 1, 2007; Minneapolis MN on the I-35 W bridge over the Mississippi River; all hell broke loose; millions of tons of steel; concrete and human beings packed in their cars, trucks and school buses fell without any warning in the blink of eye 50ft into the river and the banks on each side; without any hesitation and total disregard for their own safety; dozens of people not hurt in the aftermath and those near by jumped into action and began to offer help any way they could to those who were less fortunate.
Once again; man’s humanity towards his fellow man shined like a millions suns that fateful evening on the I-35 W.
It goes to show that in times of need there is no time to waste waiting for “government officials” to show up with grief counselors and debt cards that could be used for lap dances; my point being that I couldn’t help but think of the “human agony” of Katrina in New Orleans from two years ago; those people had A WEEK to get out whereas the folks on that bridge yesterday had no warning what-so-ever; and so far, none of them are blaming “W” or the government for not having reparations and debt cards at the ready.
Call me a heartless conservative; but the folks in Minneapolis showed a hell of a lot more character than those who broke out store windows to get new shoes and cases of beer.
Character is something that most people have to seek out to please their peers; in moments of tragedy, character usually springs forth without warning; yesterday; the folks on I-35W found theirs.