Friday, June 29, 2007

"Nixonian stonewalling"

The tempest in a teapot over Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' firing last year of nine of the nation's 93 U.S. attorneys has reached a new threshold; Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy and Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers has submitted subpoenas to the White House demanding they comply to their demands to submit to their will, because after all, they are very important puffy little men who have to show their base that they are doing their job to harass Bush into crying in public and declaring that he will quit, take his toys and go home.
You know at this point, who gives a fuck?
Blah, blah, blah, we hate Bush…give a rest already.
Bush sucks, we all know that, but for the lib drama queens to fret and stew over the firing of 9 scumbag LAWYERS, should draw about as much attention as Paris Hilton finding God while in the gray-bar hotel.
For all the shit the lib dems hurl at him for what amounts to nothing, Bush should chuck the “passionate conservatism” and really give these ass-clowns a real world response to their self-important demands.
If left to me to draft a response to these very serious charges they would go as follows;

“Dear ass-clowns, this is my formal response to your demands for me to provide you the documents you demand; take this letter, roll it up and shove it up your ass. While you’re at it, you might as well impeach me, with my numbers in the tank like they are, I have nothing to lose. By the way, keep fucking with me and I’ll really pull a “Nixonian” move and sick the IRS on your ass, so shut the fuck up and get back to the important work of sucking up pork for your worthless donors, XOXOXO “W””

It’s good to see there’s nothing really important to worry about in Washington these days….

Thursday, June 28, 2007

DING DONG, THE WITCH IS DEAD (at least for now)

Well small wonder; the assh0les in Washington did the right thing and voted down the piece of shit Immigration Reform Bill (anything that has Ted Kennedy’s name attached to it must be bad no matter what it is).
Thanks to the gutless wonders in the GOP that finally found their nut sack and helped run a wooden stake through the black little heart of this obscene affront to the American way of life; now, the next best thing to happen is these worthless motherf*ckers can do is build the goddamn fence and start rounding up the MS13 gangstas and ship their ass back south where they belong.
Too bad for “W”, looks like his legacy will be his quagmire in Iraq and a brief moment on the pile of rubble after 9/11 when he actually had some respect; his quest to push his amnesty through has blown up in his face, thank God.
Now, we as a nation can focus on more important issues like how of what will life be for Paris now that she has done hard time for her crimes against the state; can she re-unite a nation that is torn asunder from all this derision?
Nevertheless, POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!!

You might be a liberal if...

• You own something that says, "Dukakis for President, " and still display it.
• You've ever said, "We really should call the ACLU about this."
• You believe that a few hundred loggers can find another career, but the defenseless spotted owl must live in its preferred tree.
• You ever based an argument on the phrase, "But they can afford a tax hike because..."
• You keep count of how many people you know in each racial or ethnic category.
• You believe our government must do it because everyone in Europe does.
• You can't talk about foreign policy without using the word conspiracy.
• You think Ralph Nader makes a lot of sense.
• You don't understand why anyone was bothered by Jane's trip to Hanoi.
• You think solar energy is being held back by those greedy oil companies.
• You've never been mugged.
• You actually expect to collect Social Security.
• You think the State of Florida should have tried to reform Ted Bundy.
• You think the Great Society has actually worked.
• You don't see the similarity between WONK and WANK.
• You got teary-eyed during the film "The American President."
• You think Ayn Rand is an African currency.
• Your house smells like a garbage dump because of your commitment to recycling.
• You think political patronage describes the Kennedy family.
• Your High School Year Book goals included the words "help people."
• You think the Free Market is where they hand out Government cheese.
• You think Carter should be on Mt. Rushmore.
• You believe personal injury lawyers when they say they are just trying to defend the little guy.
• You know that those profit mongering drug companies could find a cure for AIDS if they really wanted to.
• You actually believe the NY Times and Washington Post.
• You know at least one Vegan.
• You trust Teddy Kennedy when he said that she was driving.
• You'd rather own Birkenstock than Merck Stock.
• You think public housing is great, but just NIMBY.
• You think the anti-war protestors from '60s are the real heroes.
• You think that Supply Side Economics refers to your dope dealer's stash.
• You think Michael Jackson is a great example of diversity.
• You actually think that poverty can be abolished.
• You think that Joan Baez had something to say.
• You admire the Swedish welfare system.
• You know that Jefferson really meant to say "Entitled to Happiness."
• You think the Flat Tax should be at 95%
• You go to Gay Pride Day parades so that no one can call you homophobic.
• After looking at your pay stub you can still say, "America is under-taxed."

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

BETRAYAL OF THE FIRST ORDER (so what else is new)

Yesterday was yet another crack in the mantle of our sovereignty as a free nation, only this time the motherf*ckers in Washington didn’t do it in the dark of the night like they do when they vote themselves ridiculous pay raises for the shitty work they do; they did this in broad day light like a low rider filled with “gangstas” firing into a crowd of innocent by-standers on a street corner.
The out of touch elitists who reside in their plush perches of power (at our expense mind you) have crossed a line they fully do not recognize; the first shot in the next American Revolution has been volleyed across the bow of a very pissed off public.
It should be the mission of every American to see to the removal from office all of those who voted to continue this obscene Immigration Reform Bill.
I wish the wacko libs in Congress would get on with Bush’s impeachment if anything to take his focus off his piece of shit bill him and his buddy Ted Kennedy are trying to shove down our throats…

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


So, poor little Paris Hilton has been freed from jail.
Her "plight" is indicative of the separation between the rich and poor in this country; had I or anyone else been convicted of repeated DUI's, we sure as hell wouldn't get 23 days in some country club resort like she did.
Now will come all the interviews and outrageous money offers for her story which will be sadly lapped up by millions of dupes around this country; Paris Hilton represents everything that is wrong with our society.
Oh well, I guess she can get back to the hard work of getting smashed on vodka and flashing her crotch in public.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Once is happenstance

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy
action. There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.

Prose, not "Ho's" ver.2

The obesity of hunger
Starving ourselves with gluttony
The gluttony of progress
The burden of faith
The death of reason
Born into a world of electric over load
Stressing the seams of humanity
Sacrificing the sheep with bright knives
Letting lose the souls of the dying
Only to feed the fear of the living
Dark and forbidding light shines from above
The God of this world has gone
Gone for over a hundred years
Light bathes those in the gated hell of suburbia
Little Japanese gardens infested with beetles
Eating the green and lush flowers of life
Leaving nothing but a scared brown wasteland
The billowing smoke of cities burning
With a desire to be free from want
Free from hunger
Free from the prospect of washing away with the flood
A flood of pain that cascades from above
With no remorse or pity for God’s little children
God deliver me from the clutches of it all
A big swooping raven plucks the truth from the dead
The worms are marching to the feast
The feast of mankind’s last dying gasp
Fear of not knowing what lays ahead for us all
Give me peace
Give me light
Give me the chance to prove my love for you
Before it’s too late
Before time is gone
Bring me love
Bring me you

Friday, June 22, 2007


Or so said Howard Beale after he tried to commit suicide on the air in the movie "Network"; that flick still rates as one of the all time greats, what a fore-shadowing of "things to come" on television.
I don't know about you, but I feel the same way, with the ever growing bullshit from Washington, I feel this nation is about to bust a collective cap in the ass of a couple hunrded motherf*ckin' politicians and scores of con-glomo corporate news whores.
Let me count the ways;
1. Border security and illegal aliens; rather than send the country to hell in a handbasket with the Kennedy, Bush, Repubilcrat "Immigration Reform of 2007", why the fuck not enforce existing law? Sen. Lindsay Graministy says the current law is no good, no fucking wonder, no one ever gave it a chance!The hard cold truth is that the Democrats want votes and the Republicans want cheap labor; hell they both want the same, while the American people are being threatened by the prospect of another terrorist attack vis-a-vis the porous border. If nothing is done and there is another attack(?), then "witness the fire power of this fully armed and operational battle station" you assholes in Washington.
2. The "War on Terror"; here's a thought, either fight to win or bring all our troops home and circle the waggons; trying to fight a PC war is like putting screen doors on a submarine. Does anyone think these terrorist motherf*ckers follow the rules of engagment? Follow the doctrine of Gen. George S. Patton, when he told his newly formed Third Army that they will tear the guts out of the bodies of their dead enemies and use them to grease the tracks of their tanks; political correctness is reason we're in this mess to begin with.
3. Global Warming; Like I posted earlier, it get's hot in the summer and cold in the winter; and besides, where the hell did algore get his acumen in geo-science? His stock holdings in Oxidental Oil?
4. Political divisiveness; once all you good, "liberals" and "conservatives" understand you're nothing but fodder for the powers that be, you'll be nothing more than a joke to those you serve; do you really think at the end of day in Washington these "public servants" give a shit about you? You're nothing but good for a handout until they can firgure out a way to fuck you to get ahead; the lowest forms of life follow in this order, peodphiles, car dealers then politicians.
Thomas Jefferson had it right when he said that in order to perserve freedom and liberty, a revolution from time to time is in order to protect the very essence of humankinds need for such.
Are you ready to do what is needed?

By the way, which one's Pink?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Prose, not "Ho's"

And what is to become of the days which lay ahead of us?
For it is uncertain of their outcome in the face of the challenge that befalls us all; for alas we are besieged by men of lesser character who would rather bicker their own short comings and pursue the fools errand in order to appease the wolves at our doorstep.
God’s own blessings will not save us from such arrogance and will only incur the wrath of our own sworn enemies upon us all.
Victory is at hand and is there for the taking, only not so if we chose to lie down among the rushes and cry our wretched souls to sleep with our wives and children at our sides.
God watches over his lambs and weeps at their foolish indulgence of the liberty that has been bestowed upon them; but there are a few still left with enough courage and honor to know the pit falls of our failure if we should step down that misbegotten path, for it is they who will be our sword and shield in the face of our enemies.


When, not if, lard-ass Micheal Moore has his multiple by-pass surgery, will he have it done in Cuba?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Seeking employment?

WANTED: A people person who hates people (i.e., Jews and western Infidels); seeking strong silent type who likes to hack off infidels heads with dull pocket knife for internet broadcasting; willing to work in harsh conditions w/ promise of full compliment of 72 virgins if killed by infidel Americans; over time and benefits negotiable; expertise in IED a must; if interested, send resume and SASE to Osama bin Laden, cave #4, Northwestern Pakistan; Shiites will not be considered for position.

Joke of the day

An African explorer was trudging through the deepest darkest jungles of Africa with his party and trusted guide.
Along the way, the sound of drums grew louder as they made their way through the jungle.
The explorer stops the guide and asks "Hey, these drums are starting to worry me." the guide says, "Drums good, no drums bad."
So they continue onward.
The drums are starting to get louder still, the explorer asks again, “These drums are getting louder, and I am really starting to worry.” The guide says again, “Drums good, no drums bad.”
They continue even further, the drums are deafening, the explorer stops the guide and franticly yells, “What happens if the drums stop?” the guide says “Um, bass solo.”

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Wrap your head around this if you can

Is it clarity or insanity; you be the judge.

The decision is in the ability to glean any semblance of truth from the words and thoughts which I attempt to lay out in an effort to put my view on what we in this early throes of the 21st century know as “the War on Terror”.

Try to follow me if you can with an open mind.

We all know that this “war” began on 9/11/01, but the reality is that this war began nearly a millennium ago with the forces of Saladin and the Knights Templar battling for the walled city of Jerusalem which was fought over back and forth for hundreds of years during the Crusades.
It was only with the ultimate defeat of the Christian armies that the terms were set in place for the next several hundred years.
The uneasy absence of hostility was only interrupted a few times over the course of history until the founding of the Jewish state of Israel in 1948 in the post horrors of the Holocaust during WWII; the newly founded United Nations through a simple act relinquished control of British Palestine to the fledgling nation.
At almost as immediately as this was done, the Arabs of the region attacked Israel and hence forth the resumption of the Crusades’ had fallen upon this region once again; only this time with the help of the United States which in some remote connections, was the forbearers of the Knights Templar, (Masonic rituals of the founding fathers for example) and the Jews which they had vanquished as well.

All this means something in the fact that the primary motivation of this modern day crusade, i.e. “war on terror” is the Muslim destruction of Israel much in the same as hundreds of years ago. Think about it, all acts of terrorism against the US and Israel and at times Western Europe is based on their unwavering support of the Jewish state which is an affront to the Muslim people. The “Arab street” is seething with the words of Osama bin Laden and countless Mullahs and clerics who recount on a daily basis for the last 60 years as to the ultimate destruction of Israel.
The second motivating factor of the Muslim “Jihad” is the shear fear and hatred the Muslims have for what they see as nothing but pure evil of the West, in particularly the United States; which they are more fearful of not our freedom and liberty, but our decadence and “infidelity” in the eyes of God, or Allah. Our society for all its goodness and charitable deeds is on the flip side a morass of pornography and wickedness. Christians can sin for 6 days and find salvation on the 7th; this is an abomination to the Muslims.

What can ever be done to bridge this gap?

One of the main complaints I have heard spoken of George Bush is his “Masonic quest” to establish freedom and liberty to that part of the world; which is noble at best, fruitless at least. This truly is an impasse that only time will tell how it ends; will there be roving bands of Jihadists swarming the streets of the United States forcing the “infidels” to convert or die? I doubt it, but it is quite possible to see them swarming the streets of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv-Jaffa setting upon the Jewish people much in the same as when the events of the book of Isaiah was written. How to confront and bring a solution to end this is still very much up in the air at this time; will the West acquiesce or do what is necessary, which is to come to the understanding that what we are dealing with is older than any of us can ever fully appreciate.

The growing discontent with the American people because this “war on terror” is not over like a one hour episode of some TV crime drama draws colossal differences between the ADHD infested “me now” generation of the west vs. the wait a hundred years to exact the pound of flesh of revenge of the Muslim world and their global Jihad. The west doesn’t stand a chance with this measure weighing in the balance of to who will reign victorious in the end this war, which very likely will last a hundred years or more.

My ambiguity may be apparent, but let me be perfectly clear on this one point; our very way of life is at risk and no one will be there to pick up the pieces when the whole house of cards collapses into the ash heap of history….

The lunatic is on the grass....

Lawn mower police; BBQ Gestapo

I don't know about you, but I think Gobal Warming is a load of horseshit; I would like to stick my carbon footprint right up algore's ass.
When it's summer time, it's hot; when it's winter, it's cold; blaming someone who drives a Hummer for that effect needs to get a life.
The same people who would gladly roam the hinderlands to arrest some poor idiot roasting weenies on his BBQ grill are the same people who want to hand out citizenship to 20 million illeagal aliens and want to have encounter sessions with Islamo-Fascists hoping they'll love us and leave us alone....

He played a mean guitar....

Monday, June 18, 2007

"Twatney" Spears and the 9/11 conspiracy

The best thing that could happen to the "Three Dis-Graces", (Twatney Spears, Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton) would be to see all three of them abducted and sold into salvery in Yemen or Somolia; I think that their Vodka soaked panty-less party days would come to an abrupt end.

It's too bad Osama bin Laden didn't direct all four of those jets into the US Capital on 9/11; I think old Binny would have become a national hero had he cut the head off the snake for us.

Someone tell Charlie Sheen about this....

Shine on you crazy diamond....