Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Iraq Progress Report and the 2008 election

Simply said; finish the job in Iraq with a victory as defined by the absence of violence and security maintained by Iraqis; the next president then can focus on important stuff like dealing with Iran, Russia and China; illegals flooding across the border; the growing divide between the left and right; the environment; health care, etc.

Sadly, no one running has the stones to deal with these looming "real" problems, but will only further the problems.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Gee, old Uncle “Binny” sure did deliver a blistering tirade against the US / Bush / the War on Terror and global warming; he sounded just like MoveOn.Org or the Daily Kos with their blathering anti-American ranting and raving.
To be a liberal and to hear that should make one cringe with disgust, but the sad thing is, there are many libs who are probably feeling weirdly vindicated that OBL shares the same feelings as they do; (Soviet Russia had the same effect on soft headed libs during the Cold War days, too)
His laundry list of everything scared to the liberal agenda was put on display in his so-called terrorist threat to commemorate the six year anniversary of the 9/11 attack; which only reinforces the notion that liberals are two things;
1. Fools of the first order, and
2. Patsies for any enemy of the United States
OBL although an indirect threat, is certainly a symbolic one of the greater struggle against Islamo-Fascism that plagues this planet; but to the liberals who are crippled with guilt from political correctness, this is all Bush’s fault and if we were to only run away from the fight and issue bench warrants for OBL’s arrest, the world will love us again and leave us be; what a load of horse shit; but lets continue.
Once again, OBL invites US to reject our way of life and accept Islam in a way to redeem ourselves before the Jihadists hack our heads off for being infidels at any rate; the sad part for liberals is that since the bulk of them are Atheists, they don’t stand chance; at least the Muslims gave captured Christians during the Crusades a chance to convert before they killed them.
The best part of the video was when OBL chided the Democrat controlled congress for not carrying out his bidding and forcing the US to retreat from Iraq; I’m sure Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are on the phone now with George Soros on how to circumvent that rock headed Bush on how to carry out OBL’s demand and still fool the American electorate that they are strong on security.
And lastly, OBL’s appeal to stop global warming was clear indication that the whole issue is clearly heavily rooted in the kook left fringe; i wonder if algore will invite OBL to next years Live Earth concerts?
At any rate, liberals have dug a hole to which they may never extricate themselves from and having this nations sworn enemy cozying up to their agenda only puts them deeper in that hole…

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Happy Feet, nuclear war and hurricane fever

Larry Craig’s “tap, don’t tap” moment in the Minneapolis airport earlier this summer is much to do about nothing; so Larry likes to have anal sex in men’s rooms, what else is new; I suppose because he’s one of those right wing pro-family, anti-gay red state gun toting yokels makes this story all the more titillating; or does it?
Did Larry actually engage in a sex act?
Did Larry have his rights read to him?
If Larry actually did what the under cover cop claims he did, why was he only charged with a misdemeanor?
The main aspect of this story is that Larry tried to cover it up; that is the cardinal rule that has been broken here; fucking guys in rest rooms not with standing.
My main beef with Larry is his votes FOR the piece of shit immigration bill this summer.

While everyone is going gaga over Larry’s bathroom incident; the actuality that we may go to blows soon with Iran grows ever present; Bush’s “surprise” visit to the “air base” in Iraq on Labor Day may have greater implications than what is being reported; you can count on Bush attacking Iran before he leaves office; if not, Iran will control the entire middle east before the end of this decade.

I’m sure the breathless minions in the main stream media are getting more and more impatient for a big Cat 5 to hit the US mainland soon; they want to give the DNC good material to use against the GOP in the next election.
Maybe if John Edwards stopped driving his SUV the risk would be lowered?

Monday, August 27, 2007


Hey, Chuck Schumer, Pat Leahy; looks like Bush is all you have left to investigate over those ever so important scumbag lawyer firings; you know, I’ve been losing a lot of sleep those poor f*ckers…NOT!

Profiles in “scourage”; Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, aka The Queen Bee, aka Clinton Inc aka Senator Clinton, etc…

The pièce de résistance herself, Hillary is the last in the profiles of “scourage” for the simple fact that she, according to Rush Limbaugh, has about an 80% chance of being the 44th president of the United States; the first Marxist lesbian to fill those Birkenstocks.
What can be said about Hillary that hasn’t already; her ability to squash her enemies like Stalin or Mao could is truly amazing, just ask Vince Foster…I digress.
The truth of the matter is that Hillary is as polarizing figure as Bush if not more; her negative polling numbers are near 60% in some polls, which is the highest any one candidate running; her centrist act is just that, an act; a ploy to get votes from simple minded libs and independents who actually think she would be a good president; based on what? What are her accomplishments? Can anyone name any one significant thing she has done other than marry Slick Willie to ride his coattails to power or vote to invade Iraq in 2002? Hillary is the embodiment of two faced politicks; the politics of conquer and divide; pit one side against the other all in the purpose of creating a storm then taking credit for quelling everyone’s fears (just like Clinton Inc did during Slick’s terms in office)
When all is said and done, who really can stomach the realization that this country will have gone from Bush to Clinton to Bush to Clinton again?
Let’s hope people are attuned to this concept…

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Profiles in "scourage"; Mitt Romney

Although his polling numbers are lower than Rudy's; Mitt will most likely be the nominee for the GOP in this next election; which will ensure a Hillary victory in 2008.
His alto recent road to Damascus conversion to "Reagan" conservatism lies suspect with a base that is already pissed off enough with the so-called conservatism of "W", who by and large never was a conservative in the classic sense.
Mitt seems to have that John Kerry "flip-flop" thing to worry about with the base and which could be effectively used against him by Clinton Inc.
Not that it matters to me, but his Mormon faith is a big problem with a lot of folks who know about the weird history of the Mormons.
Not many Christians can identify with a church that claims to have it's foundation from secret golden tablets and a talking white salamander, not to mention the weird underwear thing that all Mormon men have to wear.

Profiles in "scourage"; Tom Tancredo

One note samba, border security and little else.

Profiles in "scourage"; Mike Huckabee

Strong conservative; but his name reminds of that weird movie with Lilly Tomlin and Dustin Hoffman, "I (heart) Huckabee's"

Profiles in "scourage"; Mike Gravel

When Hillary, Barack and Edwards were caught on the open microphone at a debate earlier this year plotting to stage the remaining debates with just them, Gravel was the reason; this guy is so far to the left he makes Kucinich look like Rush Limbaugh.

Profiles in "scourage"; Ron Paul

Quixotic libertarian who has a lot of good ideas to restore our nations stature; he has about a snowball's chance in hell.

Profiles in "scourage"; Christopher Dodd

I think he's in it for the groupies.

Profiles in "scourage"; Rudy Giuliani

Former US Prosecuting Attorney who nailed John Gotti, former Mayor of New York who cleaned to the town up; and the hero of 9/11/01.
I like Rudy, but his checkered personal past may haunt him and could be his weakness up against the moral red state voters and Clinton Inc.
Married 3 times, his kids hate him, his current wife is his cousin; too weird for most.
Rudy should have ran against Hillary in '06 for senate from NY instead.

Profiles in "scourage"; Dennis Kucinich

A socialist elven freak show, to put it mildly.

Profiles in "scourage"; Duncan Hunter

Big on border security and that's about it; a strong conservative who would be incapable of winning the nomination; would make a great Secretary of Defense.

Profiles in "scourage"; Joe Biden

If this guy got the Democrat nomination, I would vote for him; he's about as close to what the Democrat party USED to be; strong on national security and equally as strong in regards to the working family; more than likely too liberal for my tastes in judicial appointments.
I think his idea to partition Iraq may be the best solution to bring an end to the battle in Iraq; sadly though, he too does not stand a chance against Clinton Inc.

Profiles in "scourage"; Sam Brownback


Profiles in "scourage"; Bill Richardson

A likable guy who doesn't stand a chance against Clinton Inc.

Profiles in "scourage"; John McCain

Vietnam war hero; strong conservative; pro-Bush ally in the war on terror; co-conspirator in the Keating 5 scandal during the 80's; lost all support for his insistence for the status quo for with the flood of illegals pouring across the border.
John McCain is the modern day Henry Clay.

Profiles in "scourage"; Barack Obama

...or as Ted Kennedy calls him, "Osama Obama"; what can be said about this guy, either he's a foil to Hillary or will end up being her running mate.
He's a crooked Chicago lib who wants your money, enough said

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Profiles in “scourage”; Fred Thompson

District Attorney Branch is seeking his next office, or is he? Old Fred Thompson is no different than some hot high school prick tease baiting all those good Christian conservatives along on his wishy washy non comitial run for president; he’s still working on his organization and what not. Look, I think this guy is getting cold feet and his actions of late speak more than words; his latest speech at the VFW convention in Kansas City was tepid at best; hell, Obama had a better speech than this guy, and those old duffers have no intention of voting for Obama even if he was the only candidate running.
I liked Fred in all those movies he was in over the years and he is clearly a strong conservative, but he’s not running; he’s only role playing and when it becomes clear this is all he is doing, then there will be hell to pay; don’t fuck with conservatives, they don’t like being played like they’re in a movie theatre watching the latest Jack Ryan installment.